Yo Yo Bear Cards

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Login The SSR is the Swap Stick Rating and the higher the number the more valuable and desirable the item is. Click on an item for more details.
Full Members can see the actual SSR figures. Full members can see the names of the swappers who have the card or sticker available.
Free Members only see the rough swaps, needs and SSR, to the nearest 50 people.
ID Name# Swaps Needs SSR  
T1 Treasure Island 50500
T10  50500
T11  50500
T12 Lost Dutchman's Mine 50500
T13 Eye of the Empress 50500
T14 Living Treasure 50500
T15 Money Pit 50500
T16 Brilliant Birthstones 50500
T17 Dragon Dungeon 50500
T18 Wanted Train Robber's Riches 50500
T19 King John's Jewels 50500
T2 Flor de la Mar 50500
T20 A-Maze-Ing Inca Gold 50500
T3 Faberge Eggs 50500
T4 Lost City of Gold 50500
T5 Tut's Tomb of Doom 50500
T6 Sword in the Stone 50500
T7  50500
T8  50500
T9  50500
England 50500
Wales 50500
Ireland 50500
Scotland 50500
Norway 50500
Sweden 50500
Finland 50500
Denmark 50500
Poland 50500
10 Ukraine 50500
11 Romania 50500
12 Germany 50500
13 Netherlands 50500
14 France 50500
15 Spain 50500
16 Switzerland 50500
17 Italy 50500
18 Greece 50500
19 Algeria 50500
20 Senegal 50500
21 Burkina 50500
22 Cameroun 50500
23 Conga 50500
24 Zimabwe 50500
25 Botswana 50500
26 South Africa 50500
27 Swaziland 50500
28 Madagascar 50500
29 Tanzania 50500
30 Kenya 50500
31 Rwanda 50500
32 Ethiopia 50500
33 Egypt 50500
34 Turkey 50500
35 Georgia 50500
36 Kazakhstan 50500
37 Russian Federation 50500
38 Siberia 50500
39 Japan 50500
40 Mongolia 50500
41 China 50500
42 Afghanistan 50500
43 Iran 50500
44 Napal 50500
45 India 50500
46 Bangladesh 50500
47 Myanmar 50500
48 Thailand 50500
49 Sri Lanka 50500
50 Vietnam 50500
51 The Philippines 50500
52 Malaysia 50500
53 Indonesia 50500
54 Christmas Island 50500
55 Australia 50500
56 Tasmania 50500
57 New Zealand 50500
58 Fiji 50500
59 Vanuatu 50500
60 Papua New Guinea 50500
61 Micronesia 50500
62 Antarctica 50500
63 Argentina 50500
64 Easter Island 50500
65 Peru 50500
66 Bolivia 50500
67 Brazil 50500
68 Venezuela 50500
69 Columbia 50500
70 Panama 50500
71 Guatemala 50500
72 Belize 50500
73 Jamaica 50500
74 Bahamas 50500
75 Mexico 50500
76 Hawaii 50500
77 USA 50500
78 Canada 50500
79 Arctic 50500
80 Greenland Bear Fruit YoYo Cards 50500