Yu-Gi-Oh! Sticker Collection Series 1

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Login The SSR is the Swap Stick Rating and the higher the number the more valuable and desirable the item is. Click on an item for more details.
Full Members can see the actual SSR figures. Full members can see the names of the swappers who have the card or sticker available.
Free Members only see the rough swaps, needs and SSR, to the nearest 50 people.
ID Name# Swaps Needs SSR  
Blue-Eyes White Dragon 50500
Blue-Eyes White Dragon 505050
Blue-Eyes White Dragon 50500
Blue-Eyes White Dragon 505050
Exodia The Forbidden One 505050
Exodia The Forbidden One 50500
Exodia The Forbidden One 50500
Exodia The Forbidden One 50500
Exodia The Forbidden One 505050
Yi-Gi-Oh Logo 50500
Yugi 50500
Yugi 50500
Yugi 50500
Yugi 50500
Yami Yugi 50500
Yami Yugi 50500
Yami Yugi 50500
Yami Yugi 50500
10 Beaver Warrior 50500
11 Beaver Warrior 50500
12 Black Luster Soldier 505050
13 B.Skull Dragon 50500
14 Catapult Turtle 50500
15 Dark Magician 50500
16 Dark Magician 50500
17 Celtic Guardian 50500
18 Dark Sage 50500
19 Exodia The Forbidden One 50500
20 Fedral Imp 50500
21 Gaia The Dragon Champion 50500
22 Gaia The Firce Knight 50500
23 Giant Soldier of Stone 50500
24 Giant Soldier of Stone 50500
25 Horn Imp 50500
26 Kuriboh 50500
27 Magician Of Black Chaos 505050
28 Mystical Elf 50500
29 Mystical Elf 50500
30 Silver Fang 50500
31 Summoned Skull 50500
32 Winged Dragon 50500
33 Winged Dragon 50500
34 Joey Wheeler 50500
35 Joey Wheeler 50500
36 Joey Wheeler 50500
37 Joey Wheeler 505050
38 Baby Dragon 50500
39 Flame Swordsman 50500
40 Red-Eyes B. Dragon 505050
41 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon 50500
42 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon 505050
43 Thousand Dragon 50500
44 Thousand Dragon 50500
45 Time Wizard 50500
46 Tea Gardner 505050
47 Tristan Taylor 50500
48 Millennium Rod 50500
49 Millennium Scale 50500
50 Millennium Bracelet 505050
51 Millennium Ring 505050
52 Millennium Anhk 50500
53 Millennium Puzzle 50500
54 Millennium Eye 50500
55 Seto Kaiba 50500
56 Seto Kaiba 505050
57 Seto Kaiba 505050
58 Seto Kaiba 505050
59 Battle Ox 505050
60 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon 50500
61 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon 505050
62 Blue-Eyes White Dragon 50500
63 Hitotsu-Me Giant 50500
64 Judge Man 50500
65 Rabid Horseman 505050
66 Rude Kaiser 50500
67 Saggi The Dark Clown 50500
68 Swordstalker 505050
69 Swordstalker 505050
70 Maximillion Pegasus 50500
71 Maximillion Pegasus 505050
72 Maximillion Pegasus 50500
73 Maximillion Pegasus 50500
74 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon 505050
75 Dark Rabbit 50500
76 Manga Ryu-Ran 50500
77 Relinquished 505050
78 Ryu-Ran 505050
79 Ryu-Ran 505050
80 Thousand-Eyes Restrict 50500
81 Toon Mermaid 50500
82 Toon Summond Skull 505050
83 Toon Summond Skull 50500
84 Yami Bakura 50500
85 Reaper Of The Cards 50500
86 Mai Valentine 50500
87 Mai Valentine 50500
88 Mai Valentine 50500
89 Mai Valentine 50500
90 Harpie Lady Sisters 50500
91 Harpie's Pet Dragon 50500
92 Harpie's Pet Dragon 505050
93 Weevil Underwood 50500
94 Great Moth 505050
95 Bandit Keith 50500
96 Pendulum Machine 50500
97 Slot Machine 50500
98 Slot Machine 505050
99 Mokuba Kaiba 50500
100 Grandpa 505050
Exodia The Forbidden One 50500