Hi, unfortunately due to some users blocking our emails as spam or junk, Microsoft have banned all of our emails.If you have blocked us then please unblock us !If you have a hotmail outlook or live or 365 email address and cannot get the emails then please complain to microsoft and put us as an important contact.We are not banned by any blacklist https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=blacklist%3aswapstick.com&run=toolpageand are not an open relay serverhttps://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=smtp%3aswapstick.com&run=toolpageWe are set up with SPF.We are a dedicated server.
We allow our users to remove all of their own data and so unsubscribe completely.I suggest you use a well managed email system such as gmail.