I have run out of people to swap with ! Can you add some more?

 Answer: I really did get asked this once.

I cannot invent or magic up any more swappers. I wish I could.  : )

I would suggest that if there are only a few swappers for your collection you should spread the word about this site, either by linking to your page or to the album page on your homepage or in swaps forums.

You can link to your own page by adding this html on your page:

<a href='http://swapstick.com/swaps.nsf/ByName/Adam+Foster'>My Harry Potter sticker swaps</a>

or just

<a href='http://swapstick.com'>Sticker Swaps</a>

or you can send the links your friends or add this to your email signature:



I might set up some sort of bonus for who recruits the most new people...

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