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Last Saved: 10/23/2019 10:26:19 PM

Football 80

Mark Vertigen
Joined: 22 Oct 2007
Status: Swaps Swap!
Reviews +2 -0
No Medal
 Details: Panini Football 80 Stickers
  Book: 1


Arsenal  1 to 17 Show / Hide
1 Arsenal Badge, 5 Pat Rice, 7 Steve Gatting, 9 Willie Young, 10 Sammy Nelson, 11 Brian Talbot, 13 Liam Brady, 14 Graham Rix, 15 David Price
Aston Villa  18 to 34 Show / Hide
19 Aston Villa Team, 20 Ron Saunders, 22 Colin Gibson, 23 Allan Evans, 24 Gary Williams, 28 Dennis Mortimer, 29 Gary Shelton, 30 Alex Cropley, 32 Ken Swain, 33 Tony Morley, 34 Brian Little
Bolton Wandererss  35 to 51 Show / Hide
36 Bolton Wanderers Team, 40 Dave Clement, 51 Tad Nowak
Brighton & Hove A.  52 to 68 Show / Hide
54 Alan Mullery, 55 Eric Steele, 56 Chris Cattlin, 57 Andy Rollings, 58 Mark Lawrenson, 59 Gary Williams, 60 John Gregory, 61 Brian Horton, 62 Paul Clark, 63 Peter O'Sullivan, 64 Malcom Poskett, 65 Gerry Ryan, 67 Peter Ward, 68 Teddy Maybank
Bristol City  69 to 85 Show / Hide
69 Bristol City Badge, 71 Alan Dicks, 72 John Shaw, 74 Geoff Merrick, 79 Trevor Tainton, 83 Joe Royle
Coventry  86 to 102 Show / Hide
87 Coventry City Team, 90 Mick Coop, 92 Gary Collier, 93 Bobby McDonald, 94 Brian Roberts, 95 Donato Nardiello, 96 Andy Blair, 98 Tommy Hutchison, 99 Garry Thompson, 100 Ian Wallice, 101 Mick Ferguson
Crystal Palace  103 to 119 Show / Hide
103 Crystal Palace Badge, 104 Crystal Palace Team, 105 Terry Venables, 106 John Burridge, 107 Paul Hinshelwood, 108 Jim Cannon, 109 Billy Gilbert, 111 Kenny Sansom, 112 Peter Nicholas, 113 Gerry Francis, 117 David Swindlehurst
Derby County  120 to 136 Show / Hide
120 Derby County Badge, 124 David Langan, 125 Steve Buckley, 128 Roy McFarland, 129 Bruce Rioch, 134 Steve Carter, 135 Billy Caskey, 136 John Duncan
Everton  137 to 153 Show / Hide
139 Gordon Lee, 143 Mike Lyons, 144 Billy Wright, 149 Trevor Ross, 150 Gary Stanley, 151 Asa Hartford, 153 Brian Kidd
Ipswich Town  154 to 170 Show / Hide
155 Ipswich Town Team, 157 Paul Cooper, 158 George Burley, 162 Mick Mills, 163 Kevin Beattie, 164 Arnold Muhren, 165 Frans Thijssen, 166 John Wark, 167 Eric Gates, 168 Clive Woods, 169 Paul Mariner
Leeds United  171 to 187 Show / Hide
173 Jimmy Adamson, 174 David Harvey, 176 Kevin Hird, 179 Paul Hart, 180 Paul Madeley, 182 Brian Flynn, 184 Ray Hankin, 185 Carl Harris, 187 Alan Curtis
Liverpool  188 to 204 Show / Hide
190 Bob Paisley
Manchester City  205 to 221 Show / Hide
206 Manchester City Team, 208 Joe Corrigan, 209 Kenny Clements, 213 Paul Power, 215 Kazimierz Deyna, 217 Steve Mackenzie, 218 Barry Silkman, 220 Bobby Shinton, 221 Roger Palmer
Manchester United  222 to 238 Show / Hide
222 Manchester United Badge, 227 Gordon McQueen, 229 Stewart Houston, 231 Mike Thomas, 232 Ray Wilkins, 237 Joe Jordan, 238 Andy Ritchie
Middlesbrough  239 to 255 Show / Hide
241 John Neal, 243 John Craggs, 244 Ian Bailey, 245 Irving Nattrass, 246 Tony McAndrew, 249 David Armstrong, 250 Micky Burns
Norwich City  256 to 272 Show / Hide
256 Norwich City Badge, 257 Norwich City Team, 258 John Bond, 260 John McDowell, 261 Kevin Bond, 263 Phil Hoadley, 265 Martin Peters, 266 Graham Paddon, 267 Mick McGuire, 269 Kevin Reeves, 272 Roger Brown
Nottingham Forest  273 to 289 Show / Hide
275 Brain Clough, 277 Viv Anderson, 278 Kenny Burns, 281 David Neeham, 284 John Robertson, 285 Ian Bowyer, 286 Trevor Francis, 287 Tony Woodcock
Southampton  290 to 306 Show / Hide
290 Southampton Badge, 291 Southampton Team, 296 Manny Andruszewski, 297 Forbes Phillipson-Masters
Stoke City  307 to 323 Show / Hide
308 Stoke City Team, 312 Alan Dodd, 314 Mike Doyle
Tottenham Hotspur  324 to 340 Show / Hide
327 Darry Daines, 333 Steve Perryman, 338 Ricardo Villa
West Bromwich Albion  341 to 357 Show / Hide
356 Cyrille Regis
Wolverhampton Wanderers  358 to 374 Show / Hide
Badges - Second Division  375 to 385 Show / Hide
385 West Ham United/ Wrexham Badges
Second Division  386 to 517 Show / Hide
413 Buchanan/Ronson, 496 Phillips/Bartley, 502 Bolton/Harrison
Badges - Scottish League  518 to 522 Show / Hide
Aberdeen  523 to 528 Show / Hide
525 McLeish/Garner
Celtic  529 to 534 Show / Hide
Dundee  535 to 540 Show / Hide
Dundee United  541 to 546 Show / Hide
543 Narey/Stark, 544 Phillip/Payne
Hibernian  547 to 552 Show / Hide
Kilmarnock  553 to 558 Show / Hide
Morton  559 to 564 Show / Hide
Partick Thistle  565 to 570 Show / Hide
Rangers  571 to 576 Show / Hide
St Mirren  577 to 582 Show / Hide
Empty Album  1EA to 1EA Show / Hide

Number Needed: 161 wanted

Arsenal  1 to 17 Show / Hide
3 Terry Neill, 8 Steve Walford, 16 Alan Sunderland, 17 Frank Stapleton
Aston Villa  18 to 34 Show / Hide
18 Aston Villa Badge, 21 Jimmy Rimmer, 25 Ken McNaught, 31 John Deehan
Bolton Wandererss  35 to 51 Show / Hide
35 Bolton Wanderers Badge, 37 Ian Greaves, 39 Peter Nicholson, 49 Neil Whatmore
Brighton & Hove A.  52 to 68 Show / Hide
Bristol City  69 to 85 Show / Hide
70 Bristol City Team, 73 Gerry Sweeney, 75 David Rodgers, 76 Trevor Tainton, 78 Peter Cormack, 82 Clive Whitehead
Coventry  86 to 102 Show / Hide
91 Jim Holton, 102 Steve Hunt
Crystal Palace  103 to 119 Show / Hide
Derby County  120 to 136 Show / Hide
130 Steve Powell, 131 Gerry Daly
Everton  137 to 153 Show / Hide
146 Mark Higgins
Ipswich Town  154 to 170 Show / Hide
154 Ipswich Town Badge, 156 Bobby Robson, 159 Terry Butcher, 160 Russel Osman, 161 Allan Hunter, 170 Alan Brazil
Leeds United  171 to 187 Show / Hide
172 Leeds United Team
Liverpool  188 to 204 Show / Hide
188 Liverpool Badge, 193 Phil Thompson, 194 Alan Hansen, 197 Terry McDermott, 200 David Johnson
Manchester City  205 to 221 Show / Hide
210 Willie Donachie, 212 Tommy Booth, 216 Tony Henry, 219 Mick Robinson
Manchester United  222 to 238 Show / Hide
226 Jimmy Nicholl, 236 Jimmy Greenhoff
Middlesbrough  239 to 255 Show / Hide
239 Middlesbrough Badge, 240 Middlesbrough Team, 242 Jim Platt, 248 Mark Proctor, 251 Billy Ashcroft, 252 David Hodgson, 254 Terry Cochrane
Norwich City  256 to 272 Show / Hide
259 Roger Hansbury, 262 Tony Powell, 264 David Evans
Nottingham Forest  273 to 289 Show / Hide
276 Peter Shilton, 288 Gary Birtles
Southampton  290 to 306 Show / Hide
293 Terry Gennoe, 294 Ivan Golac, 298 Malcolm Waldron, 299 Steve Williams, 301 Nick Holmes, 304 Austin Hayes, 306 George Shipley
Stoke City  307 to 323 Show / Hide
317 Paul Richardson, 322 Viv Busby
Tottenham Hotspur  324 to 340 Show / Hide
324 Tottenham Hotspur Badge
West Bromwich Albion  341 to 357 Show / Hide
Wolverhampton Wanderers  358 to 374 Show / Hide
363 Derek Parkin, 364 George Berry, 374 Norman Bell
Badges - Second Division  375 to 385 Show / Hide
376 Burnley/Cambridge United Badges, 380 Newcastle United/Notts County Badges
Second Division  386 to 517 Show / Hide
393 Bater/Harding, 395 Cooper/Emmanuel, 398 Potts/Stevenson, 399 Scott/Rodaway, 407 Buckley/Spriggs, 411 Jones/Roberts, 420 Walker/Powell, 433 Guthrie/Kitchen, 434 Wallace/Wallington, 455 Masson/Hunt, 456 Mair/Hooks, 459 Hicks/Hurst, 483 Jones/King, 489 Whitworth/Clarke, 490 Bolton/Docherty, 511 Cross/Pearson, 513 Cegielski/Davis, 514 Roberts/Jones
Badges - Scottish League  518 to 522 Show / Hide
520 Hibernian/Kilmarnock Badges
Aberdeen  523 to 528 Show / Hide
523 Ferguson/Clark, 526 McMaster/McGhee
Celtic  529 to 534 Show / Hide
529 McNeill/Latchford
Dundee  535 to 540 Show / Hide
536 Barr/Turnbull, 540 Pirie/Murphy
Dundee United  541 to 546 Show / Hide
Hibernian  547 to 552 Show / Hide
552 Hutchinson/McLeod
Kilmarnock  553 to 558 Show / Hide
557 Gibson/Jardine
Morton  559 to 564 Show / Hide
Partick Thistle  565 to 570 Show / Hide
570 Melrose/Houston
Rangers  571 to 576 Show / Hide
576 Johnstone/Cooper
St Mirren  577 to 582 Show / Hide
578 Beckett/Dunlop
Empty Album  1EA to 1EA Show / Hide
Empty Album  Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 97 + 0 = 97

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