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Last Saved: 06/02/2017 12:08:40 AM

Football 78

mark w davies
Joined: 8 Sep 2011
Status: Completed Swap!
Reviews +2 -0
 Details: Panini League Football 1978 Not sure how many
  Book: 1


Trophies  1 to 4 Show / Hide
Arsenal  5 to 21 Show / Hide
Aston Villa  22 to 38 Show / Hide
Birmingham City  39 to 55 Show / Hide
Bristol City  56 to 72 Show / Hide
Chelsea  73 to 89 Show / Hide
Coventry City  90 to 106 Show / Hide
Derby County  107 to 123 Show / Hide
Everton  124 to 140 Show / Hide
Ipswich Town  141 to 157 Show / Hide
Leeds United  158 to 174 Show / Hide
Leicester City  175 to 191 Show / Hide
Liverpool  192 to 208 Show / Hide
Manchester City  209 to 225 Show / Hide
Manchester United  226 to 242 Show / Hide
Middlesbrough  243 to 259 Show / Hide
Newcastle United  260 to 276 Show / Hide
Norwich City  277 to 293 Show / Hide
Nottingham Forest  294 to 310 Show / Hide
Queen's Park Rangers  311 to 327 Show / Hide
West Bromwich Albion  328 to 344 Show / Hide
West Ham United  345 to 361 Show / Hide
Wolverhaptom Wanderers  362 to 378 Show / Hide
Second Division  379 to 411 Show / Hide
Celtic  412 to 428 Show / Hide
Rangers  429 to 445 Show / Hide
Aberdeen  446 to 455 Show / Hide
Ayr United  456 to 465 Show / Hide
Clydebank  466 to 475 Show / Hide
Dundee United  476 to 485 Show / Hide
Hibernian  486 to 495 Show / Hide
Motherwell  496 to 505 Show / Hide
Partick Thistle  506 to 515 Show / Hide
St. Mirren  516 to 525 Show / Hide

Number Needed: 0 wanted

Trophies  1 to 4 Show / Hide
1 FA Cup, 2 Scottish Cup, 3 English League Championship Trophy, 4 Scottish League Championship Trophy
Arsenal  5 to 21 Show / Hide
8 Pat Jennings, 11 David O'Leary, 14 John Matthews, 20 Malcolm Macdonald, 9 Sammy Nelson, 15 David Price, 21 Trevor Ross
Aston Villa  22 to 38 Show / Hide
22 Aston Villa Badge, 25 Jimmy Rimmer, 34 Ken McNaught, 32 Alex Cropley, 35 John Deeham, 27 John Robson, 30 Leighton Phillips, 33 Frank Carrodus, 36 Brian Little
Birmingham City  39 to 55 Show / Hide
42 Jim Montgomery, 51 Tony Towers, 54 Trevor Francis, 46 Achie Styles, 52 Gary Emmanuel, 55 John Connolly, 41 Sir Alf Ramsey, 47 Malcolm Pagl, 50 Terry Hibbitt
Bristol City  56 to 72 Show / Hide
68 Peter Cormack, 63 Norman Hunter, 70 Clive Whitehead
Chelsea  73 to 89 Show / Hide
83 Garry Stanley, 89 Ken Swain
Coventry City  90 to 106 Show / Hide
93 Jim Blyth, 102 Terry Yorath, 91 Coventry City Team, 98 Alan Dugdale
Derby County  107 to 123 Show / Hide
110 Colin Boulton, 113 Roy McFarland, 116 Tony Macken, 122 Derek Hales, 108 Derby County Team, 114 Colin Todd, 120 Charlie George, 112 Peter Daniel
Everton  124 to 140 Show / Hide
127 George Wood, 133 Jim Pearson, 129 David Jonses, 132 Mike Lyons
Ipswich Town  141 to 157 Show / Hide
144 Paul Cooper, 153 Clive Woods, 154 Trevor Whymark, 143 Bobby Robson, 149 Les Tibbott
Leeds United  158 to 174 Show / Hide
161 David Steward, 173 Eddie Gray, 162 Paul Reaney, 168 Tony Currie, 169 Arthur Graham
Leicester City  175 to 191 Show / Hide
178 Mark Wallington, 181 Jeff Blockley, 184 Alan Woollett, 187 Jon Sammels, 190 Steve Earle, 179 Steve Whitworth, 188 Brian Alderson, 191 George Armstrong, 177 Frank McLintock, 180 Dennis Rofe, 183 Peter Welsh, 186 Eddie Kelly
Liverpool  192 to 208 Show / Hide
202 Ray Kennedy, 203 Ian Callaghan
Manchester City  209 to 225 Show / Hide
217 Tommy Booth
Manchester United  226 to 242 Show / Hide
227 Manchester United Team, 228 Dave Sexton, 234 Arthur Albiston
Middlesbrough  243 to 259 Show / Hide
246 Jim Platt, 249 Tony McAndrew, 247 Terry Cooper, 250 Stuart Boam, 253 Peter Brine, 248 John Craggs, 254 John Mahoney
Newcastle United  260 to 276 Show / Hide
269 Geoff Nulty, 272 Tommy Craig, 261 Newcastle United Team, 267 Aiden McCaffery, 270 Stewart Barrowclough, 273 Ray Hudson, 268 Tommy Cassidy, 271 Graham Oates
Norwich City  277 to 293 Show / Hide
280 Roger Hansbury, 283 Mel Machin, 286 Martin Peters, 289 Colin Suggett, 292 Viv Busby, 287 Billy Steele, 282 Colin Sullivan, 285 Tony Powell, 291 Kevin Reeves
Nottingham Forest  294 to 310 Show / Hide
301 Colin Barrett, 310 Terry Curran, 299 Frank Clark, 308 Barry Butlin
Queen's Park Rangers  311 to 327 Show / Hide
311 QPR Badge, 312 QPR Team, 318 David Needham, 321 Gerry Francis, 327 Don Givens, 316 Ian Gillard, 322 Don Masson
West Bromwich Albion  328 to 344 Show / Hide
331 Joh Osborne, 334 Derek Statham, 337 Len Cantello, 340 Alistair Brown, 329 West Bromwich Albion Team, 335 Bryan Robson, 342 Willie Johnston
West Ham United  345 to 361 Show / Hide
351 Mike McGiven, 354 Trevor Brooking, 360 Alan Taylor, 355 Alan Curbishley, 347 John Lyall
Wolverhaptom Wanderers  362 to 378 Show / Hide
368 Frank Munro, 371 Kenny Hibbitt, 369 John McAlle, 372 Martin Patching, 367 Derek Parkin, 370 Steve Daley, 373 Willie Carr, 376 John Richards
Second Division  379 to 411 Show / Hide
389 Cardiff City Team, 380 Blackburn Rovers Team, 410 Sunderland Team, 407 Southampton Team, 403 Orient/Sheffield United Badges
Celtic  412 to 428 Show / Hide
415 Peter Latchford, 418 Roy Aitken, 424 Johnny Doyle, 427 Paul Wilson, 428 Tommy Burns, 417 Roddy McDonald, 420 Johannes Advaldsson, 423 Andy Lynch
Rangers  429 to 445 Show / Hide
441 Ian McDougall, 430 Rangers Team, 436 John Greig, 439 Johnny Hamilton, 445 Davie Cooper, 443 Derek Parlane
Aberdeen  446 to 455 Show / Hide
448 Billy McNeill, 454 Drew Jarvie, 447 Aberdeen Team, 453 Willie Garner, 455 Joe Harper
Ayr United  456 to 465 Show / Hide
460 Davie Wells, 462 Rikki Fleming, 464 Danny Masterton, 459 Hugh Sproat, 463 Gordon Cramond, 465 Walker McCall
Clydebank  466 to 475 Show / Hide
474 Tommy Callagham, 469 Jim Gallacher, 471 Jimmy Lumsden, 473 Gerry O'Brien, 475 Mike Larnach
Dundee United  476 to 485 Show / Hide
478 Jim McLean, 482 Dave Narey, 484 Tom McAdam, 483 Frank Kopel
Hibernian  486 to 495 Show / Hide
488 Eddie Turnbull, 490 John Brownlie, 492 George Stewart, 494 Bobby Smith, 489 Mike McDonald, 491 John Blackley, 495 Ally McLeod
Motherwell  496 to 505 Show / Hide
498 Willie McLean, 502 Peter Marinello, 504 Bobby Graham, 497 Motherwell Team, 501 Jim O'Rourke, 503 Vic Davidson
Partick Thistle  506 to 515 Show / Hide
510 John Hansen, 514 Harry Johnston, 507 Partick Thistle Team, 509 Alan Rough, 511 Jackie Campbell, 515 Dennis McQuade
St. Mirren  516 to 525 Show / Hide
520 Bobby Reid, 522 Tony Fitzpatrick, 524 Frank McGarvey, 519 Donald Hunter, 523 Donnie McDowell
St. Mirren  Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 196 + 0 = 196

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