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Topps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection    

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2015, 2016
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 Celebrating of the world’s biggest club competition, Topps are proud to announce the launch of the all-new UEFA Champions League official sticker collection for the 2015/16 season. This amazing collection features all the latest performance data, player statistics and group information for all 32 qualified teams, making it the ultimate accompaniment to the 2015/16 competition. Released November 2015
64 as of 03/03/2025 02:02:32 AM
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623 ( 100% )
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Mauro DinisTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection15982562302/08/2016 11:58 AM
John WellsTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection122839547111/05/2021 04:13 PM
David BownTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1623034104/21/2016 07:16 PM
Aleksandar StanisicTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1623030309/12/2024 08:25 PM
Julian CooperTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1623023811/18/2016 09:06 AM
Robert John JacksonTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection15289523407/07/2016 03:03 PM
JOHN FRAGIASTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection151311022401/22/2016 11:12 PM
Jari SaloTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1623019103/05/2017 05:52 AM
Wayne LewisTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1623019110/08/2016 07:40 PM
Omar RodriguezTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1622118309/13/2018 10:50 PM
jj shuttTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection150411915702/13/2016 01:20 PM
Czech KarbošTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection146016313702/13/2016 03:32 PM
David LovattTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1623012603/09/2023 08:28 PM
Paul HodgeTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection148314010702/16/2016 08:45 PM
Jessica CornejoTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1610139905/19/2016 01:19 AM
KEITH HARDYTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162309609/28/2017 08:36 AM
Paolo BerizziTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1536879101/23/2016 10:58 PM
Vegard LufallTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1567569005/18/2016 05:59 PM
Michael McIntyreTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection14631606903/20/2016 04:10 PM
DAJOUX JeromeTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162306701/24/2019 02:40 AM
SUE HOBBSTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162306610/07/2019 03:52 PM
Ole SkorgeTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162306305/31/2016 08:28 PM
Aaron MayTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1572515708/10/2016 03:12 PM
james spainTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection161945708/01/2016 04:55 PM
Alek RiquelmeTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection15231004902/07/2016 01:13 AM
Paul LoftusTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162304212/04/2017 03:01 PM
David OndrijaTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection11824413511/23/2020 02:38 PM
Zoran RakićTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection12513722812/09/2015 08:41 PM
Gary MilneTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection61582703/17/2024 11:29 AM
Matteo GuglielmiTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162302506/11/2022 01:52 PM
Andrew OcheraTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162122502/24/2021 07:28 AM
christina dewdneyTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collectionda2673561904/05/2017 09:19 PM
John WellsTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection12313921912/28/2021 05:57 PM
Suleyman ErkanTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162301808/21/2019 07:07 PM
Sandi DuricTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162301706/01/2016 04:40 PM
George ApostolopouloTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1855381212/20/2015 02:57 AM
David OversonTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162301207/14/2016 08:47 AM
JAMIE ROOKETopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection8262301212/08/2019 02:32 PM
Stuart WalkerTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162301107/02/2017 04:43 PM
mark lucaTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162301001/23/2017 10:05 PM
Dariusz SokolowskiTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection162301002/21/2019 03:44 AM
john wells11954Topps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection139584902/20/2020 08:31 PM
ANN STANDINGTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1266357802/23/2016 04:10 PM
Dano BouicTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16185612/13/2015 12:40 AM
Erik SečićTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1230393501/30/2016 09:44 PM
Jason HughesTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16230503/26/2016 02:51 PM
Dan PriceTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16230501/17/2018 11:42 PM
Tony WaldramTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16230312/08/2015 11:02 PM
scott perrittTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16221212/09/2015 06:40 PM
Stacey GlassTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16230206/12/2017 07:09 PM
Adam FosterTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection100012/03/2015 08:08 AM
scott perrittTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16221012/08/2015 08:06 PM
Alec HepburnTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16230006/30/2021 08:51 PM
George EllinasTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1449174002/07/2016 06:56 PM
Oleg DykovytskyiTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection160914012/06/2015 08:20 PM
jonathan cockingTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16230005/06/2024 08:30 PM
john wells11954Topps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection178545012/10/2019 01:13 PM
MARK A TAYLORTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection100003/29/2020 04:11 PM
John WellsTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1226397010/18/2021 09:22 AM
John WellsTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1238385010/28/2021 08:06 AM
John WellsTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16230010/30/2021 08:50 AM
John WellsTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection16230011/23/2021 09:40 AM
john wells64Topps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1236387011/10/2022 02:06 PM
Boniface DobellTopps UEFA Champions League 2015-16 Sticker Collection1380243006/03/2023 04:51 PM
<- Sticker Swaps coded by Lotus Notes Consultant Adam Foster using Lotus Notes Edit
Debug: 03/28/2016 2:32:45 PM1

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