91 Cockroach, 2 Donnie, 47 The Kraang, 77 Pete The Pigeon Man, 92 Monkey Mutant, 33 Donatello, 63 Leo, 4 Raph, 64 Donnie, 79 Normans, 94 Beat This, 65 Mikey, 80 Kraangdroid, 95 Leo, 51 The Foot Clan, 66 Raph, 81 Shredder, 96 Donnie, 37 April O'Neil, 97 Mikey, 38 Hamato Yoshi, 83 The Foot Clan, 98 Raph, 69 April O'Neil, 84 Baxter Stockman, 99 Splinter, 40 The Pulveriser, 70 Leo, 85 Dogpound, 100 April, 71 Donnie, 86 Snakehead, 101 The Kraang, 72 Mikey, 87 Spider-Bytez, 102 Shredder, 28 Monkey Mutant, 73 Raph, 88 Fishface, 118 Drag-On Chopper, 59 The Purple Dragon Gang, 74 Splinter, 119 Dojo, 15 Pete the Pigeon Man, 30 M.O.U.S.E.R.S, 75 April O'Neil |