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Last Saved: 05/27/2024 10:08:29 PM

Pokemon Advanced Sticker Collection

Tiago Santiago
Joined: 27 May 2024
Status: Swaps Swap!
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 Details: The first 2 stickers in the Album are unnumbered and under the names Tamato Berry and Oran Berry, we have numbered these B1 and B2. Album includes a Pull-Out poster with additional stickers P1 to P20
  Book: 1


Album  1 to 203 Show / Hide
1 Treecko, 27 Wingull, 53 Gyarados, 79 Manectric, 105 Torkoal, 131 Baltoy, 157 Raichu, 183 Luvdisc, 2 Grovyle, 28 Pelipper, 54 Azurill, 80 Plusle, 106 Grimer, 132 Claydol, 158 Psyduck, 184 Horsea, 3 Sceptile, 29 Ralts, 55 Marill, 81 Minun, 107 Muk, 133 Lileep, 159 Golduck, 185 Seadra, 4 Torchic, 30 Kirlia, 56 Azumarill, 82 Magnemite, 108 Koffing, 134 Cradily, 160 Wynaut, 186 Kingdra, 5 Combusken, 31 Gabdevoir, 57 Geodude, 83 Magneton, 109 Weezing, 135 Anorith, 161 Wobbuffet, 187 Bagon, 6 Blaziken, 32 Surskit, 58 Graveler, 84 Voltorb, 110 Spoink, 136 Armaldo, 162 Natu, 188 Salamence, 7 Mudkip, 33 Masquerain, 59 Golem, 85 Electrode, 111 Grumpig, 137 Iggybuff, 163 Xatu, 189 Beldum, 8 Marshtomp, 34 Sheroomish, 60 Nosepass, 86 Volbeat, 112 Sandshrew, 138 Jigglypuff, 164 Girafarig, 190 Metang, 9 Swampert, 35 Breloom, 61 Skitty, 87 Illumise, 113 Sandslash, 139 Wigglytuff, 165 Phanpy, 191 Metagross, 10 Poochyena, 36 Slakoth, 62 Delcatty, 88 Oddish, 114 Spinda, 140 Feebas, 166 Donphan, 192 Regirock, 11 Mightyena, 37 Vigoroth, 63 Zubat, 89 Gloom, 115 Skarmory, 141 Milotic, 167 Pinsir, 193 Regice, 12 Zigzagoon, 38 Slaking, 64 Golbat, 90 Vileplume, 116 Trapinch, 142 Castform, 168 Heracross, 194 Registeel, 13 Linoone, 39 Abra, 65 Crobat, 91 Bellossom, 117 Vibrava, 143 Staryu, 169 Rhyhorn, 195 Latias, 14 Wurmple, 40 Kadabra, 66 Tentacool, 92 Doduo, 118 Flygon, 144 Starmie, 170 Rhydon, 196 Latios, 15 Silcoon, 41 Alakazam, 67 Tentacruel, 93 Dodrio, 119 Cacnea, 145 Kecleon, 171 Snorunt, 197 Kyogre, 16 Beautifly, 42 Nincada, 68 Sableye, 94 Roselia, 120 Cacturne, 146 Shuppet, 172 Glalie, 198 Groudon, 17 Cascoon, 43 Ninjask, 69 Mawile, 95 Gulpin, 121 Swablu, 147 Banette, 173 Spheal, 199 Rayquaza, 18 Dustox, 44 Shedinja, 70 Aron, 96 Swalot, 122 Altaria, 148 Duskull, 174 Sealeo, 200, 19 Lotad, 45 Whismur, 71 Lairon, 97 Carvanha, 123 Zangoose, 149 Dusclops, 175 Walrein, 201, 20 Lombre, 46 Loudred, 72 Aggron, 98 Sharpedo, 124 Seviper, 150 Tropius, 176 Clamperl, 202, 21 Ludicolo, 47 Exploud, 73 Machop, 99 Wailmer, 125 Lunatone, 151 Chimecho, 177 Huntail, 203, 22 Seedot, 48 Makuhita, 74 Machoke, 100 Wailord, 126 Solrock, 152 Absol, 178 Gorebyss, 23 Nuzleaf, 49 Hariyama, 75 Machamp, 101 Numel, 127 Barboach, 153 Vulpix, 179 Relicanth, 24 Shiftry, 50 Goldeen, 76 Meditite, 102 Camerupt, 128 Whiscash, 154 Ninetales, 180 Corsola, 25 Taillow, 51 Seaking, 77 Medicham, 103 Slugma, 129 Corphish, 155 Pichu, 181 Chinchou, 26 Swellow, 52 Magikarp, 78 Electrike, 104 Magcargo, 130 Crawdaunt, 156 Pikachu, 182 Lanturn
Quiz  A to P Show / Hide
A Blaziken, C Castform, E Torchic, G Marshtomp, J Treecko, L Volbeat, N Pikachu, P Meditite, B Mudkip, D Lunatone, F Wynaut, H Numel, K Loudred, M Spoink, O Snorunt
Page 1 Tamato Berry  B1 to B1 Show / Hide
B1 Pokemon Logo
Page 1 Oran Berry  B2 to B2 Show / Hide
B2 Ash & Friends
Wallchart  P1 to P20 Show / Hide
P1 Pikachu, P4 Taillow, P7 Cacnea, P10 Lairon, P13 Mightyena, P16 Chinchou, P19 Crawdaunt, P2 Treecko, P5 Torchic, P8 Wurmple, P11 Groudon, P14 Poocheyne, P17 Walrein, P20 Kyogre, P3 Corphish, P6 Skitty, P9 Golbat, P12 Ryhorn, P15 Baltoy, P18 Sharpedo

Number Needed: 240 wanted

Album  1 to 203 Show / Hide
Quiz  A to P Show / Hide
Page 1 Tamato Berry  B1 to B1 Show / Hide
Page 1 Oran Berry  B2 to B2 Show / Hide
Wallchart  P1 to P20 Show / Hide

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