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Last Saved: 08/28/2020 10:20:49 AM

Mexico 70 World Cup Soccer Stars

peter ricketts
Joined: 2 Sep 2014
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 Details: World Cup Mexico 1970 Stickers
  Book: 1


England  1 to 32 Show / Hide
Belgium  33 to 48 Show / Hide
Brazil  49 to 64 Show / Hide
Bulgaria  65 to 80 Show / Hide
Czechoslovakia  81 to 96 Show / Hide
El Salvador  97 to 112 Show / Hide
Israel  113 to 128 Show / Hide
Italy  129 to 144 Show / Hide
Mexico  145 to 160 Show / Hide
Morocco  161 to 176 Show / Hide
Peru  177 to 192 Show / Hide
Rumania  193 to 208 Show / Hide
Russia  209 to 224 Show / Hide
Sweden  225 to 240 Show / Hide
Uruguay  241 to 256 Show / Hide
West Germany  257 to 276 Show / Hide

Number Needed: 0 wanted

England  1 to 32 Show / Hide
2 Alan Ball, 3 Gordon Banks, 4 Colin Bell, 5 Peter Bonetti, 7 Jackie Charlton, 8 Allan Clarke, 9 Terry Cooper, 10 Colin Harvey, 11 Emlyn Hughes, 12 Norman Hunter, 13 Geoff Hurst, 14 Mick Jones, 15 Brian Labone, 16 Francis Lee, 18 Bobby Moore, 19 Ian Storey-Moore, 20 Alan Mullery, 21 Henry Newton, 22 Keith Newton, 23 Martin Peters, 24 Paul Reaney, 25 Pater Shilton, 26 Peter Simpson, 27 Alex Stepney, 28 Nobby Stiles, 29 Peter Thompson, 30 Tommy Wright, 32 World Cup Trophy
Belgium  33 to 48 Show / Hide
33 Jacques Beurley, 34 Henri Depireux, 35 Jean Dockx, 38 Georges Heylens, 39 Leon Jeck, 40 Raoul Lambert, 41 Christian Piot, 42 Odilon Polleunis, 43 Wilfred Puis, 44 Jean Thissen, 45 Jean Trappeniers, 46 Paul Van Himst, 47 Wilfred Van Moer, 48 Jan Verheyen
Brazil  49 to 64 Show / Hide
50 Carlos Alberto, 51 Brito, 52 Cloddaldo, 53 Edu, 54 Gerson, 56 Joel, 57 Leao, 58 Dirceu Lopes, 59 Pele, 60 Wilson Piazza, 61 Toninho, 62 Tostao, 63 Rivelino
Bulgaria  65 to 80 Show / Hide
65 Stefan Aladjoy, 66 Georgi Asparoukhov, 69 Ivan Dimitrov, 71 Boris Gaganelov, 72 Kiril Ivkov, 74 Dobromir Jetchev, 76 Nikola Kotkov, 77 Dimiter Penev, 79 Alexander Shalamanov, 80 Dimiter Yakimov
Czechoslovakia  81 to 96 Show / Hide
82 Jan Capkovic, 83 Vladimir Hagara, 85 Vladimir Hrivmak, 86 Karol Jokl, 89 Vaclav Migas, 91 Jan Pivarnik, 92 Jaroslav Pollak, 93 Alexander Vencel, 95 Frantisek Vesely, 96 Ivo Viktor
El Salvador  97 to 112 Show / Hide
97 Elmer Acevedo, 98 Juan arraza, 99 Guillermo Castro, 100 Joel Estrada, 101 Walberto Fernandez, 102 Salvador Cabezas, 103 Mauricio Manzano, 104 Salvador Mariona, 105 Juan Martinez, 106 Mario Monge, 107 Saturnino Osorio, 108 Antonio Quintanilla, 109 Roberto Rivas
Israel  113 to 128 Show / Hide
113 Feiwel Bar, 114 Meir Barad, 115 Menachem Bello, 116 Yeshoshua Feigenbaum, 118 David Karako, 120 David Primo, 121 Shmuel Rosenthal, 122 Emmanuel Scheffer, 123 Giora Spiegel, 124 Mordechai Spiegler, 125 Itzhak Schum, 126 Aharen Shuruk, 128 Yochanan Wallach
Italy  129 to 144 Show / Hide
129 Enrigo Albertosi, 131 Tarcisio Burgnich, 132 Mario Corso, 134 Angelo Domenghini, 135 Giacinto Facchetti, 136 Sandro Mazzola, 137 Claudio Merlo, 138 Pierino Prati, 139 Giorgio Puia, 140 Luigi Riva, 141 Gianni Rivera, 142 Roberto Rosato, 143 Sandro Salvadore, 144 Dino Zoff
Mexico  145 to 160 Show / Hide
145 Juan Manuel Alejandrez, 146 Enrique Borja, 147 Ignacio Calderon, 149 Jorge Gomez, 150 Martin Ibarreche, 151 Horacio Lopez, 152 Gabriel Hunez, 153 Alberto Onofre, 155 Gustavo Pena, 156 Mario Perez, 157 Sabas Ponce
Morocco  161 to 176 Show / Hide
161 Lamarni Abdallah, 162 Kossou Allal, 163 Abdel Aziz, 164 Driss Bamous, 165 Benkhief Boujemaa, 166 Jilali Fadili, 167 Ahmed Faras, 168 Mohamed Filali, 169 Mahjoub Ghazquani, 170 Mohamed Hazzaz, 171 Moulay Idriss, 172 Kabli Kala, 173 Mohamed Maaroufi, 174 Ghandi Said, 175 Kazzem Slimani, 176 Mohamed Yachine
Peru  177 to 192 Show / Hide
178 Eloy Campos, 179 Ruben Correa, 180 Luis Cruzado, 181 Teofilo Cubillas, 184 Orlando De La Torre, 185 Nicolas Fuentes, 187 Pedro Gonzales, 188 Perico Leon, 189 Ramon Mifflin, 190 Oswaldo Ramarez, 191 Rafael Risco, 192 Luis Rubinos
Rumania  193 to 208 Show / Hide
194 Dan Coe, 195 Augustin Deleanu, 196 Emerich Dembrovschi, 198 Nicolae Dobrin, 199 Florea Dumitrache, 200 Aristide Ghita, 201 Bujor Halmageanu, 202 Mircea Lucescu, 203 Nicolea Lupescu, 206 Necula Raducanu, 207 Ludovic Satmareanu, 208 Marin Tufan
Russia  209 to 224 Show / Hide
210 Kahki Asatiani, 212 Revaz Dzodzuashvili, 213 Mikhail Gershkovich, 214 Vladimir Kaplichny, 216 Vitaly Khmelnitsky, 217 Nikolai Kiseley, 218 Yevgeny Lovchev, 219 Vladimir Muntian, 220 Giva Nodiya, 221 Anatoly Puzach, 222 Yevgeny Rudakov, 223 Viktor Serebryannikov, 224 Albert Shesternev
Sweden  225 to 240 Show / Hide
226 Leif Eriksson, 228 Roland Grip, 229 Ronnie Hellstrom, 231 Ove Kindvall, 232 Krister Kristensson, 233 Bo Larsson, 234 Roger Magnusson, 235 Bjorn Nordqvist, 236 Orjan Persson, 237 Ronney Pettersson, 238 Hans Selander, 239 Tommy Svensson, 240 Tom Turesson
Uruguay  241 to 256 Show / Hide
241 Atilio Ancheta, 244 Walter Corbo, 245 Julio Cortes, 246 Luis Cubilla, 247 Dagoberto Fontes, 249 Roberto Matosas, 250 Ladislao Mazurkiewicz, 252 Julio Morales, 253 Pedro Rocha, 254 Luis Ubina, 255 Milton Viera, 256 Oscar Zubia
West Germany  257 to 276 Show / Hide
257 Franz Beckenbauer, 258 Klaus Fichtel, 259 Helmut Haller, 261 Reinhard Libuda, 263 Sepp Maier, 264 Gerd Muller, 265 Gunter Netzer, 266 Wolfgang Overath, 267 Karl-Heinz Schnellinger, 268 Willi Schulz, 271 Wolfgang Weber

Number of swaps: 215 + 0 = 215

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