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Last Saved: 07/30/2012 01:59:29 PM

Panini London 2012 Olympic Sticker Collection

rhys1803 Williams
Joined: 07/13/2012
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No Medal
 Details: Panini are proud to announce the launch of their official Sticker Collection for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games! Packed full of fun facts, stats and imagery, it’s the perfect souvenir guide to the UK’s biggest sporting event this century. Get stuck into this awesome collection and discover info on all the highest profile Team GB and International athletes. The Official London 2012 Sticker Collection will serve as your ultimate guide to the tournament with all of the key dates for each event, venue information, Did You Know flashes and Fun Fact flashes. There are 444 stickers to collect with 24 kiss-cut stickers and 24 rainbow foil stickers to look out for.
  Book: 1


Welcome  1 to 2 Show / Hide
1 Olympic Emblem, 2 Paralympic Emblem
London 2012 by numbers  3 to 14 Show / Hide
5 Olympic Flame, 9 Olympic Bed, 13, 4 Sign up now, 6 Competing Athletes, 8 Table Tennis Sue Gilroy, 12, 14
Aquatics  15 to 50 Show / Hide
15 Diving, 20 Tonia Couch, 25 Rebecca Adlington, 40 Olivia Federici, 45 Craig Figes, 31 James Goddard, 36 Jonathan Fox, 32 Gemma Spofforth, 37 Synchronised Swimming, 42 Svatlana Romashina, 47 Adam Scholefield, 18 Ben Swain, 23 Swimming, 43 Natalia Ishchenko, 34 Fran Halsall, 39 Jennifer Knobbs, 44 Water Polo, 49 Filip Filipovic
Archery  51 to 58 Show / Hide
52 Archery, 54 Larry Godfrey, 55 Simon Terry, 56 Alison Williamson, 57 Kim Woo-Jin
Athletics  59 to 132 Show / Hide
69 Hannah England, 99 Kate Dennison, 109 Harry Aikines-Aryeetey, 129 Brett Morse, 60 Athlectics, 70 Andy Turner, 80 Asafa Powell, 100 Leon Baptiste, 110 Martyn Bernard, 61 Dai Greene, 81 Holly Bleasdale, 111 Jemma Simpson, 121 Jodie Williams, 82 Marlon Devonish, 92 David Rudisha, 102 Nicola Sanders, 112 Scott Overall, 132 Katrina Hart, 73 Christine Ohuruogu, 83 Jenny Meadows, 93 Perri Shakes-Drayton, 74 Andy Baddeley, 104 Abel Kirui, 124 Robbie Grabarz, 65 Usain Bolt, 75 Tasha Danvers, 85 Christian Malcolm, 105 Kelly Sotherton, 115 Steve Lewis, 66 Paula Radcliffe, 76 Michael Bingham, 86 Martyn Ronney, 106 Chris Thompson, 116 Sally Pearson, 126 Laura Turner, 67 Mark Lewis-Francis, 87 Shana Cox, 97 Simeon Williamson, 107 Goldie Sayers, 117 Jeanette Kwakye, 127 Tom Lancashire, 88 Michael Rimmer, 108 Hannah Cockroft
Badminton  133 to 140 Show / Hide
134 Badminton, 136 Rajiv Ouseph, 137 Nathan Robertson, 138 Imogen Bankier, 140 Jenny Wallwork
Basketball  141 to 148 Show / Hide
142 Basketball, 143 Luol Deng, 144 Andrew Sullivan, 148 Helen Freeman
Beach Volleyball  149 to 156 Show / Hide
150 Beach Volleyball, 152 Gregg Weaver, 155 Kerri Walsh
Boccia  157 to 160 Show / Hide
157 Boccia
Boxing  161 to 165 Show / Hide
161 Boxing, 164 Boxing
Canoe  166 to 181 Show / Hide
166 Slalam, 168 David Florence, 170 Richard Hounslow, 174 Sprint, 178 Ed McKeever, 167 Slalam, 175 Sprint, 179 Rachel Cawthorn
Cycling  182 to 213 Show / Hide
182 BMX, 186 Marcus Bloomfield, 190 Mountain Bike, 194 Oliver Beckingsale, 198 Road, 202 Nicole Cooke, 206 Track, 183 BMX, 187 Kyle Evans, 191 Mountain Bike, 195 Annie Last, 199 Road, 203 Geraint Thomas, 207 Track, 211 Bradley Wiggins, 184 Shanaze Reade, 188 Maris Strambergs, 192 Liam Killeen, 200 Mark Cavendish, 204 Fabian Cancellara, 212 Marianne Vos, 185 Liam Phillips, 209 Wendy Houvenaghel
Venues  214 to 222 Show / Hide
214 Olympic Stadium, 222 Lord's Cricket Ground, 217 Aquatics Centre
Equestrian  223 to 246 Show / Hide
223 Dressage, 229 Edward Gal, 232 Eventing, 238 Zara Phillips, 241 Ben Maher, 224 Dressage, 227 Richard Davison, 242 Michael Whitaker, 225 Carl Hester, 228 Laura Bechtolsheimer, 237 Michael Jung, 240 Jumping, 243 John Whitaker
Fencing  247 to 254 Show / Hide
247 Fencing, 248 Fencing, 249 Richard Kruse, 251 Corinna Lawrence, 252 Alex O'Connell, 254 Simon Wilson
Football  255 to 262 Show / Hide
255 Football, 256 Football, 257 David Beckham, 261 Rory Fallon, 262 David Clarke
Goalball  263 to 266 Show / Hide
263 Goalball, 264 Adam Knott, 265 Anna Sharkey, 266 Georgina Bullen
Take a breather  267 to 269 Show / Hide
267 Usain Bolt, 268 Hiroshi Hoketsu
Gymnastics  270 to 299 Show / Hide
270 Artistic, 282 Kristain Thomas, 290 Yevgeniya Kanayeva, 279 Danell Legva, 287 Francesca Fox, 299 Amanda Parker, 272 Beth Tweddle, 284 Rhythmic, 288 Keziah Gore, 273 Daniel Keatings, 277 Danusia Francis, 281 Hannah Whelan, 293 Trampoline
Handball  300 to 307 Show / Hide
301 Handball, 304 Lynn McCafferty, 305 Bobby Whites, 306 Ivano Balic, 307 Ciaran Williams
Hockey  308 to 315 Show / Hide
309 Hockey, 310 James Tindall, 313 Barry Middleton, 314 Maartje Paumen, 315 Rebecca Herbert
Judo  316 to 323 Show / Hide
317 Judo, 318 Euan Burton, 319 Gemma Howell, 320 Karina Bryant, 321 Colin Oates
Modern Pentathlon  324 to 331 Show / Hide
324 Modern Pentathlon, 326 Heather Fell, 327 Mhairi Spence, 328 Sam Weale, 330 Lena Schoneborn
Rowing  332 to 345 Show / Hide
332 Rowing, 334 Greg Searle, 336 Mark Hunter, 338 Eric Murray, 337 Katherine Grainger, 341 Hamish Bond, 343 Constantine Louloudis
Sailing  346 to 359 Show / Hide
350 Lucy Macgregor, 358 Paul Goodison, 351 Andrew Simpson, 353 Bryong Shaw, 355 Alessandra Sensini, 357 Charlotte Dobson, 359 Alexandra Rickham
Shooting  360 to 367 Show / Hide
363 James Huckle, 364 Richard Faulds
Table Tennis  368 to 375 Show / Hide
369 Table Tennis, 370 Andrew Baggaley, 372 Liam Pitchford
Taekwondo  376 to 383 Show / Hide
377 Taekwondo, 378 Sarah Stevenson, 379 Jade Jones, 380 Aaron Cook, 382 Servet Tazegul
Tennis  384 to 391 Show / Hide
385 Tennis, 387 Elena Baltacha, 390 Novak Djokovic, 391 Peter Norfolk
Triathlon  392 to 405 Show / Hide
394 Alistair Brownlee, 396 Jonathan Brownlee, 402 Jodie Stimpson, 404 Vicky Holland, 393 Triathlon, 405 Stuart Hayes
Volleyball  406 to 413 Show / Hide
408 Mark McGivern, 410 Kieran O'Malley, 412 Carolina Costagrande, 413 Rob Richardson
Weightlifting  414 to 421 Show / Hide
417 Sonny Webster, 419 Hannah Powell
Wheelchair Rugby  422 to 426 Show / Hide
422 Wheelchair Rugby, 423 Wheelchair Rugby, 425 Steve Brown, 426 Andy Barrow
Wrestling  427 to 431 Show / Hide
427 Wrestling, 428 Yana Stadnik, 429 Myroslav Dykun, 430 Wrestling, 431 Kaori Icho
London Calling  432 to 459 Show / Hide
436 Olympic Stadium Design, 433 London 2012 Candidate City, 437 Beijing Closing Ceremony, 441, 438 Construction Begins, 442 Aerial Picture of Olympic Stadium, 446 The Countdown Clock, 454 Victory Medals, 447, 451 Land's End, Cornwall
Poster  460 to 483 Show / Hide
472, 475, 479, 465, 468, 474, 477, 483

Number Needed: 255 wanted

Welcome  1 to 2 Show / Hide
London 2012 by numbers  3 to 14 Show / Hide
7, 11 Aquatic Centre
Aquatics  15 to 50 Show / Hide
35 Rebecca Soni, 21 Qiu Bo, 22 Megan Sylvester, 27 Liam Tancock
Archery  51 to 58 Show / Hide
58 Danielle Brown
Athletics  59 to 132 Show / Hide
79 Greg Rutherford, 120 Hazel Robson, 62 Phillips Idowu, 64 Jessica Ennis, 118 Chris Tomlinson
Badminton  133 to 140 Show / Hide
135 Chris Adcock
Basketball  141 to 148 Show / Hide
146 Jo Leedham
Beach Volleyball  149 to 156 Show / Hide
154 Zara Dampney, 156 Shauna Mullin
Boccia  157 to 160 Show / Hide
Boxing  161 to 165 Show / Hide
163 Tom Stalker
Canoe  166 to 181 Show / Hide
173 Laura Blakeman
Cycling  182 to 213 Show / Hide
205 Sarah Storey, 213 Jody Cundy
Venues  214 to 222 Show / Hide
220 Weymouth and Portland
Equestrian  223 to 246 Show / Hide
226 Fiona Bigwood, 235 William Fox-Pitt, 236 Piggy French, 246 Nick Skelton
Fencing  247 to 254 Show / Hide
Football  255 to 262 Show / Hide
Goalball  263 to 266 Show / Hide
Take a breather  267 to 269 Show / Hide
Gymnastics  270 to 299 Show / Hide
274 Louis Smith
Handball  300 to 307 Show / Hide
303 Holly Lam-Moores
Hockey  308 to 315 Show / Hide
308 Hockey, 312 Kate Walsh
Judo  316 to 323 Show / Hide
Modern Pentathlon  324 to 331 Show / Hide
Rowing  332 to 345 Show / Hide
340 Andy Triggs-Hodge, 339 Anna Watkins
Sailing  346 to 359 Show / Hide
Shooting  360 to 367 Show / Hide
Table Tennis  368 to 375 Show / Hide
374 Ding Ning
Taekwondo  376 to 383 Show / Hide
Tennis  384 to 391 Show / Hide
389 Jamie Murray
Triathlon  392 to 405 Show / Hide
400 Jodie Swallow
Volleyball  406 to 413 Show / Hide
406 Volleyball, 411 Maria Bertelli
Weightlifting  414 to 421 Show / Hide
414 Weightlifting, 420 Behdad Salimikordasiabi
Wheelchair Rugby  422 to 426 Show / Hide
Wrestling  427 to 431 Show / Hide
London Calling  432 to 459 Show / Hide
452 Tom Daley, 456, 449 BMX Track completed, 453 Synchronised Swimming, 450 Stratford Station completed, 443 Launch of mascots, 459
Poster  460 to 483 Show / Hide
463 Valerie Adams, 466 Oleksandr Usyk, 461 Albina Loginova, 473 Gevrise Emane, 462 Matthias de Zordo
Poster  Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 50 + 0 = 50

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