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Doctor Who Regeneration Stickers

Manuel Dauboeck
Joined: 01/18/2015
Status: Free Swaps Swap!
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No Medal
 Details: Topps is once again proud to bring you the very latest sticker collection for Doctor Who with his most recent regeneration complete. This collection takes an in-depth look at the latest incarnation of the legendary Timelord. Get ready for a collection jam-packed with a galaxy of features – ranging from character profiles on the Doctor’s greatest companions and most formidable foes, to super fun activities and essential ‘need to know info’ about the Doctor and his thrilling history with 192 stickers to collect. Released September 2014
  Book: 1


Sticker  1 to 192 Show / Hide
73, 169, 26, 74, 122, 170, 27, 75, 123, 28, 76, 124, 172, 77, 125, 173, 30, 78, 126, 174, 55, 151, 175, 32, 80, 128, 33, 81, 129, 177, 82, 130, 178, 35, 36, 84, 61, 181, 38, 86, 134, 182, 87, 135, 183, 184, 41, 89, 185, 42, 90, 43, 187, 140, 188, 45, 93, 141, 189, 46, 94, 190, 48, 144, 192

Number Needed: 65 wanted

Sticker  1 to 192 Show / Hide
1, 25, 49, 97, 121, 145, 2, 50, 98, 146, 3, 51, 99, 147, 4, 52, 100, 148, 5, 53, 101, 149, 6, 54, 102, 150, 7, 31, 103, 127, 8, 56, 104, 152, 9, 57, 105, 153, 10, 58, 106, 154, 11, 59, 107, 155, 12, 60, 108, 156, 13, 37, 109, 133, 14, 62, 110, 158, 15, 63, 111, 159, 16, 64, 112, 160, 17, 65, 113, 161, 18, 66, 114, 162, 19, 115, 139, 20, 68, 116, 164, 21, 69, 117, 165, 22, 70, 118, 166, 23, 71, 119, 167, 24, 72, 120, 168

Number of swaps: 97 + 0 = 97

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