1 Yi-Gi-Oh Logo, 53 Millennium Puzzle, 2 Yugi, 28 Mystical Elf, 41 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon, 93 Weevil Underwood, 3 Yugi, 29 Mystical Elf, 81 Toon Mermaid, 17 Celtic Guardian, 30 Silver Fang, 5 Yugi, 18 Dark Sage, 31 Summoned Skull, 70 Maximillion Pegasus, 83 Toon Summond Skull, 96 Pendulum Machine, 6 Yami Yugi, 19 Exodia The Forbidden One, 45 Time Wizard, 84 Yami Bakura, 97 Slot Machine, 7 Yami Yugi, 20 Fedral Imp, 85 Reaper Of The Cards, 8 Yami Yugi, 21 Gaia The Dragon Champion, 34 Joey Wheeler, 47 Tristan Taylor, 60 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, 73 Maximillion Pegasus, 86 Mai Valentine, 99 Mokuba Kaiba, 22 Gaia The Firce Knight, 35 Joey Wheeler, 48 Millennium Rod, 87 Mai Valentine, 10 Beaver Warrior, 36 Joey Wheeler, 49 Millennium Scale, 62 Blue-Eyes White Dragon, 11 Beaver Warrior, 24 Giant Soldier of Stone, 63 Hitotsu-Me Giant, 76 Manga Ryu-Ran, 89 Mai Valentine, 25 Horn Imp, 38 Baby Dragon, 64 Judge Man, 90 Harpie Lady Sisters, 13 B.Skull Dragon, 91 Harpie's Pet Dragon |