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Last Saved: 07/24/2020 09:39:40 AM

Panini Superplayers 98

John w. Ellis
Joined: 22 Apr 2013
Status: Swaps Swap!
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Bronze 3rd Swapper for album !
 Details: Include Pull Out Poster with 24 unnumbered 3D Glyptic Stickers. We have numbered them 361 to 384. Also Tattoos A to L and Football catchphrases O to Z. There are no M or N stickers.
  Book: 1


Album  1 to 360 Show / Hide
7 Neil Ardley - Wimbledon, 23 David Beckham - Manchester Utd, 28 Dennis Bergkamp - Arsenal, 34 Dean Blackwell - Wimbledon, 38 Lars Bohinen - Blackburn, 66 Kenny Cunningham - Wimbledon, 76 Lee Dixon - Arsenal, 82 Richard Dryden - Southampton, 87 Robbie Earle - Wimbledon, 93 Robbie Elliott - Bolton, 107 Robbie Fowler - Liverpool, 108 Ruel Fox - Tottenham, 112 Kevin Gallacher - Blackburn, 118 David Ginola - Tottenham, 121 Danny Granville - Chelsea, 132 Steve Harkness - Liverpool, 148 David Howells - Tottenham, 173 Jeff Kenna - Blackburn, 190 Graeme Le Saux - Chelsea, 197 Claus Lundekvam - Southampton, 209 Leon McKenzie - Crystal Palace, 210 Billy McKinlay - Blackburn, 222 Carlo Nash - Crystal Palace, 232 Allan Nielsen - Tottenham, 234 Ian Nolan - Sheffield Wednesday, 235 Micheal Oakes - Aston Villa, 276 David Robertson - Leeds, 280 Neil Ruddock - Liverpool, 287 David Seaman - Arsenal, 288 Scott Sellars - Bolton, 297 Craig Short - Everton, 299 Frank Sinclair - Chelsea, 303 Trond Egil Soltvedt - Coventry, 309 Dejan Stefanovic - Sheffield Wednesday, 320 Michael Thomas - Liverpool, 332 Des Walker - Sheffield Wednesday, 337 Ashley Ward - Barnsley, 346 Guy Whittingham - Sheffield Wednesday, 347 Jason Wilcox - Blackburn, 354 Dennis Wise - Chelsea, 356 Ian Wright - Arsenal, 357 Mark Wright - Liverpool
3D Glyptic  361 to 384 Show / Hide
365 Stan Collymore, 372 Steve McManaman, 374 Marc Overmars, 377 Paul Scholes, 378 David Seaman, 380 Teddy Sheringham, 382 Dennis Wise, 383 Ian Wright
Empty Album  1EA to 1EA Show / Hide
Tattoo  A to L Show / Hide
A, J, K
Football Catchphrase  O to Z Show / Hide
Superheroes  AA to XX Show / Hide

Number Needed: 54 wanted

Album  1 to 360 Show / Hide
3 Anders Andersson - Blackburn, 4 Darren Anderton - Tottenham, 6 Matty Appleby - Barnsley, 10 Faustino Asprilla - Newcastle, 11 Peter Atherton - Sheffield Wednesday, 13 Phil Babb - Liverpool, 16 Nick Barmby - Everton, 20 David Batty - Newcastle, 25 John Beresford - Newcastle, 27 Patrik Berger - Liverpool, 32 Ian Bishop - West Ham, 37 Luis Boamorte - Arsenal, 39 Andy Booth - Sheffield Wednesday, 42 Steve Bould - Arsenal, 44 Keith Branagan - Bolton, 47 Lee Briscoe - Sheffield Wednesday, 49 David Burrows - Coventry, 50 Nicky Butt - Manchester Utd, 54 Stewart Castledine - Wimbledon, 56 Simon Charlton - Southampton, 59 Steve Clarke - Chelsea, 60 Andy Cole - Manchester Utd, 62 Stan Collymore - Aston Villa, 64 Gary Croft - Blackburn, 69 Liam Daish -Coventry, 70 Kevin Davies - Southampton, 71 Ed De Goey - Chelsea, 73 Paolo Di Canio - Sheffield Wednesday, 80 Iain Dowie - West Ham, 83 Michael Duberry - Chelsea, 86 Nicky Eaden - Barnsley, 89 Marc Edworthy - Crystal Palace, 91 Efan Ekoku - Wimbledon, 101 Rio Ferdinand - West Ham, 102 Duncan Ferguson - Everton, 103 Garry Flitcroft - Blackburn, 104 Tore Andre Flo - Chelsea, 106 Craig Forrest - West Ham, 109 Per Frandsen - Bolton, 114 Marcus Gayle - Wimbledon, 126 Bjarni Gudjonsson - Newcastle, 127 Arnar Gunnlaugsson - Bolton, 128 Alf-Inge Haaland - Leeds, 129 Gunnar Halle - Leeds, 131 Mick Harford - Wimbledon, 136 Magnus Hedman - Coventry, 138 John Hendrie - Barnsley, 141 Andy Hinchcliffe - Everton, 147 Russell Hoult - Derby, 149 Steve Howey - Newcastle, 156 Jonathan Hunt - Derby, 159 Denis Irwin - Manchester Utd, 163 Richard Jobson - Leeds, 164 Martin Johansen - Coventry, 166 Ronny Johnsen - Manchester Utd, 167 Rob Jones - Bolton, 168 Vinnie Jones - Wimbledon, 169 Pontus Kaamark - Leicester, 170 Roy Keane - Manchester Utd, 176 Alan Kimble - Wimbledon, 177 Paul Kitson - West Ham, 179 Bjorn Tore Kvarme - Liverpool, 188 Neil Lennon - Leicester, 189 Oyvind Leonhardsen - Liverpool, 191 Matthew Le Tissier - Southampton, 194 Andy Linighan - Crystal Palace, 195 Steve Lomas - West Ham, 196 Attilio Lombardo - Crystal Palace, 199 Jim Magilton - Southampton, 201 Ian Marshall - Leicester, 203 Dominic Matteo - Liverpool, 204 David May - Manchester Utd, 206 Gary McAllister - Coventry, 208 John McGinlay - Bolton, 211 Steve McManaman - Liverpool, 216 John Moncur - West Ham, 217 Ken Monkou - Southampton, 220 Kevin Muscat - Crystal Palace, 228 Phil Neville - Manchester Utd, 242 Garry Parker - Leicester, 244 Darren Peacock - Newcastle, 246 Stuart Pearce - Newcastle, 250 Emmanuel Petit - Arsenal, 262 Daryl Powell - Derby, 267 Lucas Radebe - Leeds, 268 Neil Redfearn - Barnsley, 269 Jamie Redknapp - Liverpool, 270 Bruno Ribeiro - Leeds, 271 Kevin Richardson - Coventry, 273 Marc Rieper - West Ham, 274 Stuart Ripley - Blackburn, 279 Gary Rowett - Derby, 286 Riccardo Scimeca - Aston Villa, 291 Alan Shearer - Newcastle, 292 Darren Sheridan - Barnsley, 293 John Sheridan - Bolton, 294 Teddy Sheringham - Manchester Utd, 298 Paul Simpson - Derby, 300 Andy Sinton - Tottenham, 305 Gareth Southgate Aston Villa, 306 Gary Speed - Everton, 307 Pavel Srnicek - Newcastle, 308 Steve Staunton - Aston Villa, 310 Igor Stimac - Derby, 314 Chris Sutton - Blackburn, 316 Ian Taylor - Aston Villa, 317 Scott Taylor - Leicester, 319 Ben Thatcher - Wimbledon, 323 Claus Thomsen - Everton, 327 David Unsworth - West Ham, 328 Patrick Valery - Blackburn, 339 Dave Watson - Everton, 341 Steve Watson - Newcastle, 342 Julian Watts - Leicester, 345 Mike Whitlow - Leicester, 348 Paul Wilkinson - Barnsley, 350 Paul Williams - Coventry, 351 Danny Williamson - Everton, 352 Clive Wilson - Tottenham, 358 Dean Yates -Derby
3D Glyptic  361 to 384 Show / Hide
363 David Beckham, 384 Gianfranco Zola
Empty Album  1EA to 1EA Show / Hide
Tattoo  A to L Show / Hide
I, L
Football Catchphrase  O to Z Show / Hide
Q, R, W
Superheroes  AA to XX Show / Hide
EE Julian Dicks, FF Julian Dicks, GG Gary McAllister, LL David Seaman, MM Les Ferdinand, VV Steve McManaman, XX Colin Hendry

Number of swaps: 134 + 0 = 134

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