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Topps English Football 1979

Paul Froggatt
Joined: 14 May 2008
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Reviews +1 -0
 Details: Footballer (Pale blue backs). A set comprising individual footballers from the First and Second Divisions. Cards 376 to 396 are Team Checklists. The cards have '© 1979 Topps Chewing Gum Inc.' printed on the back.
  Book: 1


Card  1 to 396 Show / Hide
1 Dalglish, 51 Hay, 151 Lloyd, 201 Bowyer, 351 Finnieston, 2 McNaught, 52 Woodcook, 102 Walker, 152 Caskey, 202 Langley, 252 Patching, 302 Anderson, 352 Bell, 3 Cunningham, 53 Hampton, 103 Daniel, 153 Statham, 203 Geddis, 253 Eastoe, 303 Brooking, 353 Tibbott, 54 Craig, 104 Powell, 154 Grimes, 204 Daniel, 254 Futcher, 304 Brady, 354 Garland, 5 Carr, 55 Wright, 105 George, 155 Gallagher, 205 Boyer, 255 O'Sullivan, 305 Keagan, 355 Lampard, 6 Whitehead, 56 Locke, 106 Perryman, 156 Godden, 206 Bond, 256 Gates, 306 Telfer, 356 McCreery, 7 Stewart, 107 Regis, 157 Waldron, 257 Nardiello, 307 Daines, 357 Day, 58 Viljoen, 108 Dobson, 158 Pratt, 208 McNab, 258 Albiston, 308 Powling, 358 Devonshire, 9 Barrett, 59 Hazell, 109 Kidd, 159 Moores, 209 Stewart, 259 Curran, 309 Blyth, 359 Williams, 60 Ritchie, 110 Madeley, 160 Hartford, 210 Ball, 260 Kennedy, 310 Richards, 360 O'Leary, 11 Woods, 61 Naylor, 111 Neighbour, 161 Kennedy, 261 Ashcroft, 311 Jones, 361 Tainton, 12 Powell, 62 Givens, 112 Macari, 162 Walsh, 212 Ward, 262 Fox, 312 Ainscow, 362 Gorman, 63 Morgan, 213 Bell, 263 Wilkins, 313 Bradshaw, 363 Roeder, 14 Nicholl, 64 Holton, 114 Barrowclough, 164 Howe, 214 Trewick, 264 Gillespie, 314 Sealy, 364 Swindlehurst, 65 Johnston, 115 Mills, 165 Graham, 215 Bertschin, 265 Rollings, 315 Cherry, 365 Hunter, 16 Clements, 66 Booth, 116 Walsh, 166 Buckley, 216 Nelson, 266 Mann, 316 Shanks, 366 Smith, 67 Thomas, 117 Carter, 167 McAndrew, 267 Middleton, 317 Keelan, 18 Taylor, 118 Bailey, 168 Smith, 218 Wells, 268 King, 318 McDermott, 368 Gale, 19 O'Neill, 69 Lyons, 219 Harkouk, 269 Harvey, 319 Davies, 369 Sweeney, 70 Palmer, 120 Mariner, 170 Lacy, 220 Buchan, 270 Burns, 320 Rioch, 370 McIlroy, 21 Page, 71 Case, 121 Needham, 171 Cross, 221 Birtles, 271 Hibbitt, 321 Nicholson, 72 Ryan, 122 Daley, 172 Osman, 222 Harris, 272 Webb, 322 Osborne, 372 Berry, 23 Gidman, 123 Donachie, 223 Yorath, 273 Biley, 24 Robson, 174 Sealey, 224 McCaffrey, 274 Sansom, 324 Lles, 374 Gillies, 75 Shilton, 125 Brooking, 175 Souness, 225 Barnes, 275 Taylor, 325 Gemmill, 26 Mahoney, 76 Craggs, 126 Daly, 176 Whatmore, 226 Tarantini, 276 Shearer, 326 Maybank, 27 Gray, 77 Stanley, 127 Wile, 227 Smith, 327 Noble, 28 Wark, 78 Powell, 128 Little, 178 Suggett, 228 Sullivan, 278 Funnell, 328 Francis, 29 Gow, 79 Sayer, 129 Wicks, 179 Clement, 229 Johnson, 279 Dunne, 329 Cooper, 379 Bristol City Team Checklist, 30 Robertson, 80 Hoddle, 180 Jordan, 230 Mills, 280 Cantello, 330 Price, 31 Parkin, 81 Houston, 131 McAllister, 181 Golac, 231 Eves, 281 Moreland, 331 Holmes, 32 Chivers, 82 Withe, 132 Armstrong, 182 Garner, 232 Reid, 282 Busby, 332 Fuccillo, 382 Derby County Team Checklist, 33 Pejic, 83 Talbot, 133 Osgood, 233 Chesters, 283 Burridge, 333 Buckley, 383 Everton Team Checklist, 84 Gowing, 134 Rix, 184 Sunderland, 284 Thompson, 334 Thomas, 85 Peach, 135 Andruszewski, 185 Ferguson, 235 Stapleton, 285 Calderwood, 335 Connolly, 36 Jones, 86 Nulty, 136 Shaw, 186 Pierce, 236 Power, 286 Phillips, 336 Flynn, 386 Liverpool Team Checklist, 87 Cooper, 187 Maddren, 237 Parkes, 337 Futcher, 387 Manchester City Team Checklist, 38 Holmes, 88 McKenzie, 138 Burley, 188 Moseley, 238 Williams, 288 Hollins, 338 Dennis, 388 Manchester Utd Team Checklist, 39 Hunter, 89 Brown, 139 Harris, 189 Cormack, 239 McGrath, 339 Jenkins, 389 Middlesborough Team Checklist, 40 Wallace, 90 Currie, 140 Hughes, 190 Langan, 240 Todd, 290 Ardiles, 340 McQueen, 41 Anderson, 91 Boam, 141 McDonagh, 191 Montgomery, 241 Oakley, 291 Pearson, 341 Checklist, 42 Greaves, 92 Steele, 142 McFarland, 192 Hunt, 242 Rice, 292 Kenyon, 342 Gennoe, 93 Deehan, 143 Wood, 193 Gray, 243 Johnston, 293 Hill, 393 Southampton Team Checklist, 44 Royle, 94 Owen, 144 Kember, 194 Nicholl, 244 McDonald, 294 Beattie, 344 Osgood, 394 Tottenham Hotspur Team Checklist, 45 Peters, 95 Bowles, 145 Droy, 195 Hibbit, 245 Lewington, 295 Bonds, 345 Clark, 395 West Brom Team Checklist, 96 Robertson, 196 McGhee, 246 Fairclough, 346 Paddon, 396 Wolverhampton Wanderers Team Checklist, 47 Greenhoff, 97 McGovern, 147 Greenholf, 197 Towers, 347 Batson, 48 Brown, 98 Rafferty, 148 Gillard, 198 Neal, 298 Currie, 348 Gatting, 49 Ramage, 99 Muhren, 149 Green, 199 Hilaire, 299 Francis, 349 Train, 50 Clemence, 100 Watson, 150 Brady, 200 Francis

Number Needed: 333 wanted

Card  1 to 396 Show / Hide
207 Hawley, 367 Davies

Number of swaps: 2 + 0 = 2

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