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Last Saved: 11/10/2013 08:34:13 PM

Pokemon Base Set 2

garry tanner
Joined: 05/03/2012
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 Details: The Base Set 2 is a set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. This was the fourth set to come out; it comes after the Fossil set and before Team Rocket. Its symbol is a Poké Ball with a number 2 behind it to indicate that it is a sequel to previous sets in the card game, particularly the Base Set. This set is a reprint of most of the cards in the Base Set and Jungle expansion set (but not the Fossil set), including the Energy cards. This is because by the time it was released, those two sets were considered "too old" and unusable in tournaments. Not every card was reprinted, excluding certain cards from competitive play, such as Mr. Mime. Also, since every card in this set has been previously printed, it lacks a special stamp reading "1st edition" during its initial run.
  Book: 1


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