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Last Saved: 06/04/2014 01:20:10 PM

Pokemon EX Legend Maker

samuel mcarthur-canning
Joined: 15/04/2014
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 Details: EX: Legend Maker is the twelfth set by Pokémon USA, Inc., after the company took over the Trading Card Game from Wizards of the Coast in 2003. The set, which in Japan was named "Eidolon Forest", is set in a forest in the middle of nowhere. Due to a mix-up with translations, this was supposed to be released before EX Delta Species, but was delayed until February 2006 in English-language territories. This is considered by many to be a very good set, for several reasons - possibly for its similarity with Jungle and Fossil original expansions, or possibly for its exclusion of the complicated Delta Species Pokémon. Its symbol is a stylized forest, a white egg-shaped area with three black acute isosceles triangles to represent the trees (or possibly Regirock, Regice, and Registeel). It received the name Legend Maker due to the inclusion of Mew. As of June 2007,, EX Legend Maker is the last set released to be deemed "too old" and thus unplayable in tournaments running the Modified Format starting September 1, 2007
  Book: 1


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