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Last Saved: 08/21/2014 10:34:14 AM

Pokemon EX Unseen Forces

harry cover
Joined: 15/07/2012
Status: Swaps Swap!
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Gold 1st Swapper for album !
 Details: EX: Unseen Forces is the tenth set by Pokémon USA, Inc., after the company took over the Trading Card Game from Wizards of the Coast in 2003. The set, which in Japan was named "GoldenSky and SilverSea", is set in Johto, and is the first set by Pokémon USA to mainly consist of Pokémon from the Pokémon Gold and Silver games, released in 2001. The set's official symbol is a black silhouette of Ho-Oh's wing, superimposed on a white silhouette of Lugia's wing. EX Unseen Forces is known for having more Pokémon-ex than any other set to date, with a total of fourteen (including one box topper and one secret rare card).
  Book: 1


Card  1 to 117 Show / Hide
1, 16, 31, 61, 76, 91, 106, 2, 17, 32, 47, 62, 92, 107, 3, 18, 33, 48, 93, 108, 19, 34, 79, 94, 109, 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 6, 21, 36, 51, 66, 81, 96, 111, 7, 22, 37, 52, 82, 97, 112, 8, 23, 53, 68, 83, 98, 113, 9, 24, 39, 54, 69, 84, 99, 114, 10, 25, 40, 55, 85, 100, 115, 11, 26, 56, 71, 86, 101, 116, 12, 27, 42, 57, 87, 102, 117, 28, 43, 73, 88, 14, 29, 44, 59, 74, 89, 104, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 105
Holographic  A to Show / Hide
A, E, I, M, Q, U, Y, B, F, J, N, R, V, Z, C, G, K, O, S, W, , D, H, L, P, T, X,

Number Needed: 127 wanted

Card  1 to 117 Show / Hide
63, 49, 67, 70, 72
Holographic  A to Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 5 + 0 = 5

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