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Last Saved: 12/27/2019 02:36:17 PM

Pokemon Ultimate Sticker Collection

TheFrench One
Joined: 27 Dec 2019
Status: Swaps Swap!
Reviews +0 -0
 Details: Album also includes a Pull-out poster with additional stickers P1 tp P10.
  Book: 1


Album  1 to 386 Show / Hide
41 Zubat, 139 Omastar, 146 Moltres, 215 Sneasel, 295 Exploud, 367 Huntail
Poster  P1 to P10 Show / Hide

Number Needed: 6 wanted

Album  1 to 386 Show / Hide
3 Venusaur, 14 Kakuna, 18 Pidgeot, 39 Jigglypuff, 46 Paras, 47 Parasect, 48 Venonat, 65 Alakazam, 77 Ponyta, 78 Rapidash, 80 Slowbro, 86 Seel, 92 Gastly, 99 Kingler, 100 Voltorb, 101 Electrobe, 102 Exeggcute, 111 Rhyhorn, 118 Goldeen, 120 Staryu, 126 Magmar, 131 Lapras, 134 Vaporeon, 137 Porygon, 160 Feraligatr, 161 Sentret, 162 Furret, 164 Noctowl, 165 Ledyba, 178 Xatu, 179 Mareep, 181 Ampharos, 185 Sudowoodo, 186 Politoed, 192 Sunflora, 193 Yanma, 198 Murkrow, 206 Dunsparce, 214 Heracross, 217 Ursraing, 218 Slugma, 221 Piloswine, 225 Delibird, 231 Phanpy, 239 Ekekid, 243 Raikou, 244 Entei, 249 Lugia, 252 Treecko, 253 Grovyle, 258 Mudkip, 261 Poochyena, 265 Wurmple, 266 Silcoon, 269 Dustox, 272 Ludicolo, 285 Shroomish, 288 Vigoroth, 289 Slaking, 290 Nincada, 293 Whismur, 301 Delcatty, 309 Electrike, 313 Volbeat, 316 Gulpin, 327 Spinda, 329 Vibrava, 330 Flygon, 344 Claydol, 349 Feebas, 351 Castform, 352 Kecleon, 357 Tropius, 376 Metagross, 377 Regirock, 378 Regice, 383 Groudon
Poster  P1 to P10 Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 79 + 9 = 88

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