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Last Saved: 08/06/2012 11:24:05 AM

Pokemon Advanced Waps

thomas lankshear
Joined: 08/05/2012
Status: Swaps Swap!
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Silver 2nd Swapper for album !
 Details: The latest craze from Panini, brand new WAPS are a fantastic new collectible - Stack them, Swap them, Win them, Collect them and Play them! Stack them high and take turns in trying to win yet more WAPS by sliding the WAP into the stacked towers and winning them off your opponents. WAPS provide endless fun & games for children of all ages. There are 160 to collect, each with their own Pokémon Advanced character. Look out for the special laser WAPS - have you got what it takes to collect them all?
  Book: 1


Wap  1 to 160 Show / Hide
1 Absol, 21 Cascoon, 41 Flygon, 61 Lindone, 81 Mudkip, 101 Sableye, 121 Spoink, 141 Wailmer, 2 Aggron, 22 Castform Fire, 42 Gardevoir, 62 Lombre, 82 Nincada, 102 Salamence, 122 Starmie, 142 Wailord, 3 Altaria, 23 Castform Ice, 43 Girafarig, 63 Lotad, 83 Ninjask, 103 Sceptile, 123 Staryu, 143 Walrein, 4 Andrith, 24 Castform Normal, 44 Glalie, 64 Loudred, 84 Nosepass, 104 Sealed, 124 Surskit, 144 Whiscash, 5 Armaloo, 25 Castform Water, 45 Gorebyss, 65 Ludicolo, 85 Numel, 105 Seedot, 125 Swablu, 145 Whismur, 6 Aron, 26 Chimecho, 46 Groudon, 66 Lunatone, 86 Nuzleaf, 106 Seviper, 126 Swalot, 146 Wingull, 7 Azumarill, 27 Clamperl, 47 Grovyle, 67 Luvdisc, 87 Pelipper, 107 Sharpedd, 127 Swamper, 147 Wurmple, 8 Azurill, 28 Claydol, 48 Grumpig, 68 Makuhita, 88 Phanpy, 108 Shedinja, 128 Swellow, 148 Wynaut, 9 Bagon, 29 Combusken, 49 Gulpin, 69 Macnetric, 89 Pichu, 109 Shelgon, 129 Taillow, 149 Zangoose, 10 Baltoy, 30 Corphish, 50 Hariyama, 70 Marill, 90 Pikachu, 110 Shiftry, 130 Tentacool, 150 Zigzagoon, 11 Banette, 31 Cradily, 51 Huntail, 71 Marshtomp, 91 Plusle, 111 Shroomish, 131 Tentacruel, 151 Aqua, 12 Barboach, 32 Crawdaunt, 52 Illumiss, 72 Masquerain, 92 Poochyena, 112 Shuppet, 132 Torchic, 152 Aqua, 13 Beautifly, 33 Delcatty, 53 Kecleon, 73 Mawile, 93 Raichu, 113 Silcoon, 133 Torkoal, 153 Ash, 14 Beldum, 34 Donphan, 54 Kirlia, 74 Medicham, 94 Ralts, 114 Skitty, 134 Trapinch, 154 Birch, 15 Blaziken, 35 Dusclops, 55 Kydgre, 75 Meditate, 95 Rayquaza, 115 Slaking, 135 Treecko, 155 Brandon, 16 Breloom, 36 Duskull, 56 Lairon, 76 Metagross, 96 Regice, 116 Slakoth, 136 Trpoius, 156 Brock, 17 Cacnea, 37 Dustox, 57 Lanturn, 77 Metang, 97 Regirock, 117 Snorunt, 137 Vibrava, 157 Team Rocket, 18 Cacturne, 38 Electrike, 58 Latias, 78 Mightyena, 98 Registeel, 118 Solrock, 138 Vigoroth, 158 Megma, 19 Camerupt, 39 Exploud, 59 Latios, 79 Milotic, 99 Relicanth, 119 Speheal, 139 Volbeat, 159 Megma, 20 Carcanha, 40 Feebas, 60 Lileep, 80 Minun, 100 Roselia, 120 Spinda, 140 Vulpix, 160 May

Number Needed: 160 wanted

Wap  1 to 160 Show / Hide
25 Castform Water

Number of swaps: 1 + 0 = 1

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