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Last Saved: 04/08/2016 06:35:43 PM

Journey To Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Matt Stockman
Joined: 13 May 2010
Status: Swaps Swap!
Reviews +0 -0
  Book: 1


A New Hope  1 to 47 Show / Hide
The Empire Strikes Back  48 to 96 Show / Hide
Return Of The Jedi  97 to 145 Show / Hide
The Force Awakens  146 to 160 Show / Hide
Mirror Foil Cards  161 to 191 Show / Hide
Rainbow Foil Cards  192 to 207 Show / Hide
202 BB-8, 193 Han Solo, 207 Millenium Falcon
Limited Edition  LE1 to LE10 Show / Hide

Number Needed: 3 wanted

A New Hope  1 to 47 Show / Hide
1 Star Destroyer captures Tantive lV, 7 Owen Lars buys the Droids, 19 Han and Obi-Won watch Luke train, 25 Wookiee Prisoner, 37 The Death Star approaches Yavin 4, 2 Darth Vader searches the ship, 8 Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi?, 14 Han Solo will be the pilot, 20 That's no moon..., 32 Luke and Leia swing across the chasm, 44 Use the Force Luke, 9 R2-D2 has gone, 15 Greedo confronts Han, 21 No escape from the Death Star, 33 Darth Vader vs. Obi-Wan, 39 Luke boards his X-wing, 4 Darth Vader confronts the Princess, 10 Luke and C-3PO search for Artoo, 16 First sight of the Millennium Falcon, 34 Under fire from Stormtroopers, 40 Assault on the Death Star, 46 Rebels flee after Lukes direct hit, 5 Threepio and Artoo go their separate ways, 17 Millennium Falcon departs Mos Eisley, 29 Back to the ship, 6 Jawas capture the Droids, 42 X-wing and TIE fighter dog fight
The Empire Strikes Back  48 to 96 Show / Hide
48 The Empire search for rebels, 62 Rebel base under attack, 90 Lightsaber duel, 63 Han goes back for Leia, 50 Luke patrols on a tauntaun, 64 Snowttoopers take aim at the Millennium Falcon, 71 He will join us or die Master, 58 AT-AT Walkers begin the Imperial assault, 65 Shut him up or shut him down, 79 Lando offers to repair the Millennium Falcon, 93 Luke and Vader duel, 59 Luke leads the Rogue Squadron, 81 Double-crossed by Lando, 88 Its a trap, 95 Luke calls for Princess Leia, 61 Luke is struck down, 75 Luke is warned of the dark side, 82 Han to be given to Boba Fett, 89 The Force is with you, young Skywalker, 96 The search for Han begins
Return Of The Jedi  97 to 145 Show / Hide
97 Constructing a new Death Star, 104 Boushh approaches Jabbas trophy, 111 Luke on the sail barge, 105 Freed from the carbonite, 112 Lando hanging an, 119 Rebel briefing, 126 The golden god, 140 Luke is helpless as the Emperor attacks, 99 Arrival at Jabbas palace, 106 Lukes arrival at Jabbas palace, 127 Camp stories, 134 The Death Star unleashes a huge blast, 100 Jabba listens to Lukes message, 114 Sail barge destroyed, 121 The Emperors instructions, 135 That things operational, 101 The Max Rebo band, 108 Rebels to be terminated, 122 The rebels on Endor, 129 Luke surrenders, 143 Death Star destroyed, 102 Oola in the rancors pit, 109 On the sail barge, 137 Father vs. Son, 117 Yodas final moments, 124 A seout trooper approaches the Princess, 131 The Emperor meets Luke
The Force Awakens  146 to 160 Show / Hide
152 Captain Phasma, 154 Snowtrooper, 158 Special Forces TIE fighter, 160 Millenium Falcom, 147 Poe Dameron, 149 Chewbacca, 151 Kylo Ren, 155 R2-D2, 159 Kylo Ren Shuttle
Mirror Foil Cards  161 to 191 Show / Hide
177 Wicket, 181 Super Star Destroyer Executor, 178 Bib Fortuna, 167 C-3PO, 191 Captain Phasma, 164 Princess Leia, 176 Admiral Ackbar, 184 Death Star
Rainbow Foil Cards  192 to 207 Show / Hide
Limited Edition  LE1 to LE10 Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 91 + 0 = 91

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