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Last Saved: 05/12/2013 06:31:22 PM

Pokemon Black and White Dragons Exalted Cards

Mark james Lawrence
Joined: 04/12/2012
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 Details: Control the might of dragons in a way that can change your game forever when the brand-new Dragon-type Pokémon make their debut in Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Dragons Exalted! The new Dragon-type, the first new Pokémon type introduced to Pokémon TCG in over a decade, features a fierce lineup of more than 15 Dragon-type Pokémon, including Rayquaza-EX, Giratina-EX, Garchomp, and Hydreigon. With a mix of new Pokémon-EX and a powerful group of Dragon-type Pokémon, Trainers will be ready for the roar of dragons and the glory of battle! Dragon-type Pokémon reflect the unique power of Dragon Pokémon and come equipped with multi-type Energy attacks. Joining Dragon-type Pokémon in the Black & White—Dragons Exalted expansion, which features more than 120 cards, are two versions of six different Pokémon-EX and a host of Pokémon from outside the Unova region like Mew, Ninetales, and Honchkrow. Four new Trainer cards and two Special Energy cards round out this incredibly powerful expansion. Key features of the new Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Dragons Exalted expansion includes: Brand-new Dragon-type Pokemon Two versions of six more Pokémon-EX cards, including full-art Rare Ultra cards More than 120 cards, including more Pokémon from outside the Unova region Parallel foil card in each booster pack
  Book: 1


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1 Hoppip, 17 Foongus, 33 Floatzel, 49 Drifloon, 65 Roggenrola, 81 Registeel Ex, 97 Hydreigon, 113 Devolution Spray, 2 Skiploom, 18 Vulpix, 34 Tympole, 50 Drifloon, 66 Boldore, 82 Probopass, 98 Hydreigon, 114 Giant Cape, 3 Jumpluff, 19 Ninetales, 35 Palpitoad, 51 Drifblim, 67 Gigalith, 83 Durant, 99 Aipom, 115 Rescue Scarf, 4 Yanma, 20 Magmar, 36 Seismitoad, 52 Siglyph, 68 Throh, 84 Altaria, 100 Ambipom, 116 Tool Scrapper, 5 Yanmega, 21 Magmortar, 37 Alomomola, 53 Trubbish, 69 Sawk, 85 Rayquazze Ex, 101 Slakoth, 117 Blend Energy gfpd, 6 Wurmple, 22 Ho-oh Ex, 38 Mareep, 54 Garbodor, 70 Stunfisk, 86 Gible, 102 Vigoroth, 118 Blend Energy wlfm, 7 Silcoon, 23 Magikarp, 39 Flaaffy, 55 Gothita, 71 Terrakion Ex, 87 Gible, 103 Slaking, 119 Ho-oh Ex, 8 Beautifly, 24 Gyarados, 40 Ampharos, 56 Gothorita, 72 Murkrow, 88 Gabite, 104 Swablu, 120 Mew Ex, 9 Cascoon, 25 Wailmer, 41 Electrike, 57 Gothitelle, 73 Honchkrow, 89 Gabite, 105 Swablu, 121 Terrakion Ex, 10 Nincada, 26 Wailord, 42 Electrike, 58 Golett, 74 Houdour, 90 Garchomp, 106 Bidoff, 122 Registeel Ex, 11 Ninjask, 27 Feebas, 43 Manectric, 59 Golurk, 75 Houndoom, 91 Garchomp, 107 Bibarel, 123 Rayquaza Ex, 12 Roselia, 28 Milotic, 44 Manectric, 60 Cubone, 76 Stunky, 92 Giratina Ex, 108 Audino, 124 Giratina Ex, 13 Roselia, 29 Spheal, 45 Emolga, 61 Marowak, 77 Skuntank, 93 Deino, 109 Minccino, 125 Serperior, 14 Roserade, 30 Sealeo, 46 Mew Ex, 62 Nosepass, 78 Aron, 94 Deino, 110 Bouffalant, 126 Reuniclus, 15 Roserade, 31 Walrein, 47 Dustox, 63 Baltoy, 79 Lairon, 95 Zweilous, 111 Rufflet, 127 Krookodile, 16 Maractus, 32 Buizel, 48 Shedinja, 64 Claydol, 80 Aggron, 96 Zweilous, 112 Braviary, 128 Rayquaza

Number Needed: 128 wanted

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