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Last Saved: 09/27/2018 12:06:48 PM

Panini FIFA World Cup 1994 UK

Sean Hornsby
Joined: 7 Jul 2008
Status: Swaps Swap!
Reviews +5 -0
No Medal
 Details: The Sticker Collection "USA ’94" includes 416 stickers, each one measures mm 49x65. The album has 48 pages. Each packet contains 6 stickers. This collection has 28 less stickers than the International edition. Strangely these "missing" stickers consist of badges and team photo's but only from some of the countries not all.
  Book: Book 1


Cities  1 to 6 Show / Hide
3 Orlando, 4 Dallas
Stadiums  7 to 15 Show / Hide
7 Chicago Soldier Field, 9 New York Giants, 10 Boston Foxboro, 11 Dallas Cotton Bowl, 12 Orlando Citrus Bowl, 13 Washington RFK Memorial
USA  16 to 32 Show / Hide
16 Tony Meola, 17 Marcelo Balboa, 18 John Doyle, 19 Desmond Armstrong, 21 Paul Caligiuri, 22 Mike Lapper, 23 Thomas Dooley, 24 John Harkes, 25 Tab Ramos, 26 Chris Henderson, 27 Cobi Jones, 29 Roy Wegerle, 30 Eric Wynalda, 32 Brad Friedel
Switzerland  33 to 51 Show / Hide
33 Marco Pascolo, 34 Marc Hottiger, 36 Dominique Herr, 38 Yvan Quentin, 42 Ciriaco Sforza, 43 Thomas Bickel, 45 Adrian Knup, 46 Switzerland Team, 47 Stephane Chapuisat, 49 Marco Grassi, 50 Christophe Bonvin, 51 Stephan Lehmann
Colombia  52 to 70 Show / Hide
52 Oscar Eduardo Cordoba, 53 Luis Fernando Herrera, 54 Luis Carlos Perea, 60 Carlos Alberto Valderrama, 61 Freddy Eusebio Rincon, 62 Alexis Enrique Carcia, 65 Colombia Team, 66 Faustino Hernan Asprilla, 70 Farid Camilo Mondragon
Rumania  71 to 89 Show / Hide
71 Florian Prunea, 72 Dan Petrescu, 73 Miodrag Belodedici, 77 Gheorghe Mihali, 79 Tibor Selymes, 86 Ilie Dumitrescu, 87 Florin Raducioiu, 88 Marius Lacatus, 89 Bogdan Stelea
Brazil  90 to 108 Show / Hide
90 Taffarel, 91 Jorginho, 92 Cafu, 93 Ricardo Rocha, 98 Dunga, 105 Romario
Russia  109 to 125 Show / Hide
109 Stanislav Cherchesov, 110 Dmitrij Khlestov, 112 Andreij Ivanov, 113 Jurij Nikiforov, 115 Sergeij Gorlukovich, 116 Dmitrij Popov, 118 Igor Dobrovolskij, 121 Igor Kolyvanov, 122 Sergeij Yuran, 123 Oleg Salenko, 124 Dmitrij Radchenko
Cameroon  126 to 142 Show / Hide
126 Joseph - Antoine Bell, 128 Hans Agbo, 130 Denis Tchantal Nde, 132 Emile M'Bouh, 138 Roger Milla, 142 Williams Andem
Sweden  143 to 161 Show / Hide
145 Patrik Andersson, 146 Jan Eriksson, 148 Roger Ljung, 149 Pontus Kamark, 150 Joachim Bjorklund, 158 Tomas Brolin, 160 Henrik Larsson
Germany  162 to 180 Show / Hide
163 Thomas Helmer, 164 Jurgen Kohler, 167 Andreas Brehme, 169 Lothat Matthaus, 171 Matthais Sammer, 173 Andreas Moller, 176 Thomas Strunz, 177 Jurgen Klinsmann, 179 Ulf Kirsten
Spain  181 to 197 Show / Hide
187 Miguel Angel Nadal
South Korea  198 to 214 Show / Hide
199 Jung Bae Park, 200 Jong Son Chung, 204 Sang Bum Gu, 205 Jung Yoon Noh, 206 Moon Sik Choi, 208 Jeong Woon Ko, 209 Joo Sung Kim, 212 Sun Hong Hwang, 213 Jeong Hyeok Kim, 214 Bum Chul Sin
Bolivia  215 to 222 Show / Hide
215 Carlos Leonel Trucco / Gustavo Quinteros, 219 Milton Melgar / Johnny Villarroel
Nigeria  223 to 230 Show / Hide
224 Stephen Keshi / Benedict Iroha, 227 George Finidi / Mutiu Adepoju
Argentina  231 to 247 Show / Hide
236 Jorge Horacio Borelli, 238 Diego Pablo Simeone, 242 Diego Armando Maradona, 245 Claudio Paul Caniggia, 247 Luis Alberto Islas
Greece  248 to 266 Show / Hide
249 Stratos Apostolakis, 260 Nikolaos Tsiantakis
Bulgaria  267 to 285 Show / Hide
280 Bulgaria Team
Italy  286 to 304 Show / Hide
Ireland  305 to 321 Show / Hide
305 Pat Bonner, 306 Denis Irwin, 307 Kevin Moran, 310 Paul McGrath, 311 Steve Staunton, 313 Roy Keane, 314 Andy Townsend, 316 John Sheridan, 318 Ronnie Whelan
Norway  322 to 338 Show / Hide
322 Erik Thorstvedt, 324 Rune Bratseth, 327 Stig Inge Bjornebye, 328 Roger Nilsen, 330 Oyvind Leonhardsen, 331 Erik Mykland, 332 Gunnar Halle, 333 Kjetil Rekdal, 335 Jahn Ivar Jakobsen, 337 Jostein Flo
Mexico  339 to 355 Show / Hide
339 Jorge Campos, 340 Claudio Suarez, 344 Raul Gutierrez, 346 David Patino, 349 Benjamin Galindo, 351 Hugo Sanchez, 354 Luis Miguel Salvador, 355 Alejandro Garcia
Belgium  356 to 374 Show / Hide
361 Rudy Smidts, 371 Luis Airton Oliveira
Morocco  375 to 391 Show / Hide
379 Mustapha Khalif, 389 Youssef Fertout, 391 Abdelkadar El Brazi
Netherlands  392 to 408 Show / Hide
392 Ed De Goeij, 394 Ronald Koeman, 395 John De Wolf, 396 Frank De Boer, 398 Erwin Koeman, 399 Jan Wouters, 404 Marc Overmars, 405 Dennis Berkamp, 408 Theo Snelders
Saudi Arabia  409 to 416 Show / Hide
Empty Album  1EA to 1EA Show / Hide

Number Needed: 155 wanted

Cities  1 to 6 Show / Hide
Stadiums  7 to 15 Show / Hide
USA  16 to 32 Show / Hide
Switzerland  33 to 51 Show / Hide
Colombia  52 to 70 Show / Hide
55 Alexis Antonio Mendoza, 56 Colombia Badge
Rumania  71 to 89 Show / Hide
75 Rumania Badge
Brazil  90 to 108 Show / Hide
94 Brazil Badge
Russia  109 to 125 Show / Hide
Cameroon  126 to 142 Show / Hide
Sweden  143 to 161 Show / Hide
147 Sweden Badge
Germany  162 to 180 Show / Hide
166 Germany Badge
Spain  181 to 197 Show / Hide
184 Rafael Alcorta, 193 Luis Enrique Martinez
South Korea  198 to 214 Show / Hide
Bolivia  215 to 222 Show / Hide
221 Erwin Sanchez / William Ramallo
Nigeria  223 to 230 Show / Hide
230 Samson Siasia / Alloy Agu
Argentina  231 to 247 Show / Hide
Greece  248 to 266 Show / Hide
Bulgaria  267 to 285 Show / Hide
271 Bulgaria Badge
Italy  286 to 304 Show / Hide
290 Italy Badge
Ireland  305 to 321 Show / Hide
Norway  322 to 338 Show / Hide
326 Ronny Johnsen, 338 Frode Grodas
Mexico  339 to 355 Show / Hide
Belgium  356 to 374 Show / Hide
360 Belgium Badge
Morocco  375 to 391 Show / Hide
Netherlands  392 to 408 Show / Hide
Saudi Arabia  409 to 416 Show / Hide
411 Ahmed Madani / Fuad Amin
Empty Album  1EA to 1EA Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 16 + 0 = 16

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