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Last Saved: 09/25/2012 01:58:26 PM

Angry Birds Sticker Collection

Stephanie Davis
Joined: 09/25/2012
Status: Swaps Swap!
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No Medal
 Details: Angry Birds is the most downloaded game of all time with more than 500 million downloads worldwide! This fantastic sticker collection features all your favorite Angry Birds characters and stunning artwork. There are 178 stickers to collect, including 32 awesome foil stickers
  Book: 1


Album  1 to 162 Show / Hide
1, 43, 85, 106, 148, 23, 44, 86, 107, 128, 24, 66, 87, 108, 129, 150, 4, 25, 46, 67, 109, 130, 151, 68, 89, 110, 131, 152, 27, 111, 132, 7, 91, 133, 8, 29, 50, 71, 92, 134, 155, 9, 30, 72, 93, 114, 135, 156, 10, 31, 73, 94, 136, 157, 53, 74, 95, 12, 33, 75, 138, 13, 34, 55, 76, 97, 118, 139, 14, 35, 56, 77, 98, 140, 161, 15, 36, 57, 78, 99, 37, 79, 100, 121, 142, 17, 38, 101, 122, 143, 18, 39, 60, 81, 102, 123, 144, 19, 40, 61, 82, 103, 124, 145, 20, 41, 62, 83, 104, 146, 42, 63, 84, 105, 147
Poster  A to P Show / Hide
A, E, G, I, K, M, B, D, J, L, N, P

Number Needed: 127 wanted

Album  1 to 162 Show / Hide
26, 111, 49, 113, 117, 21
Poster  A to P Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 7 + 0 = 7

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