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Last Saved: 09/24/2015 04:36:44 PM

Disney Violetta 2

Tora Sirdorf
Joined: 8 Jun 2015
Status: Swaps Swap!
Reviews +0 -0
 Details: Violetta is back! Come spend an unforgettable day with Violetta! She opens her heart to you, introduce you to his friends, his passion for singing, his moments of doubt and dreams ... 32 pages, 228 stickers and great order book waiting for you in this new collection of Panini stickers! Have fun quiz answer detachable book and you will discover many things about you: what kind of friends you are, what kind of boy attracts you (Leon and Diego), whom you resemble the most (Violetta, Francesca and Ludmila?) ... Music, friendship and love, welcome to the Violetta!
  Book: 1


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Number Needed: 0 wanted

Sticker  1 to 192 Show / Hide
6, 37, 39, 43, 52, 171
Mini Stickers  M1 to M12 Show / Hide
Specials  P1 to P24 Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 6 + 0 = 6

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