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Last Saved: 02/06/2020 01:31:44 PM

Panini NFL 2019

Simon Milham
Joined: 16 Jan 2020
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 Details: Panini are excited to announce the launch of the official and exclusive NFL 2019/20 Sticker Collection. The collection comprises of 558 stickers and, new for 2019, 100 trading cards! Look for 100 special foil stickers, as well as four different types of parallel cards on foil. Each of the NFL’s 32 teams will be featured on its own spread of two colour pages in the Album, where collectors can place the stickers of the teams main players. There are also individual pages highlighting the 2018 NFL Playoffs, Super Bowl LIII, the 2019 NFL Draft and the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s Class of 2019. Starter Packs include an album, 22 stickers, 4 trading cards, plus a card holder to store your cards. Starter Packs: £3.99 Sticker Packets: 90p
  Book: 1


Stickers  1 to 558 Show / Hide
494, 288, 79, 82, 226, 88, 160, 370, 233, 95, 515, 236, 168, 170, 380, 33, 385, 316, 112, 395, 396, 397, 329, 539, 401, 402, 472, 195, 57, 201, 411, 551, 64, 204, 484, 206, 416, 67, 488, 350
Cards  C1 to C99 Show / Hide
C5, C41

Number Needed: 42 wanted

Stickers  1 to 558 Show / Hide
281, 421, 491, 142, 282, 73, 213, 283, 423, 354, 5, 75, 145, 215, 355, 495, 6, 76, 147, 217, 427, 497, 149, 289, 429, 80, 430, 221, 361, 432, 502, 13, 83, 223, 84, 154, 434, 225, 365, 435, 505, 86, 17, 157, 228, 298, 368, 90, 161, 441, 22, 302, 93, 444, 25, 165, 375, 96, 376, 446, 27, 97, 28, 238, 448, 99, 169, 239, 30, 100, 520, 31, 101, 171, 381, 102, 242, 452, 173, 313, 383, 174, 244, 314, 384, 35, 105, 455, 525, 176, 246, 456, 526, 177, 247, 457, 38, 318, 458, 528, 249, 529, 390, 181, 251, 321, 391, 461, 531, 42, 182, 322, 462, 44, 114, 464, 255, 325, 465, 46, 466, 187, 257, 467, 118, 468, 119, 469, 190, 191, 541, 52, 542, 193, 263, 54, 264, 474, 544, 125, 405, 475, 545, 126, 196, 266, 476, 128, 338, 408, 548, 59, 269, 479, 549, 60, 270, 410, 480, 550, 202, 482, 552, 553, 134, 344, 66, 136, 276, 137, 417, 487, 557, 208, 139, 209, 489, 140, 210, 280, 420, 490
Cards  C1 to C99 Show / Hide
C1, C20, C32, C8, C10, C21, C33, C80, C92, C46, C58, C7, C81, C11, C59, C70, C82, C94, C36, C6, C71, C83, C95, C13, C60, C72, C84, C26, C38, C73, C85, C50, C74, C98, C16, C28, C4, C63, C75, C87, C99, C17, C40, C64, C88, C18, C30, C42, C54, C43, C55

Number of swaps: 233 + 58 = 291

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