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Last Saved: 10/31/2012 09:19:00 AM

Doctor Who Monster Invasion

river thompson
Joined: 10/30/2012
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 Details: Doctor Who cards
  Book: 1


Album  1 to 165 Show / Hide
5 Fourth Doctor, 90 The Infinite, 9 Skeletal Master, 56 Weeping Angels, 120 Amy Pond, 163 Rivers Space Flight, 59 Sonic Screwdriver

Number Needed: 7 wanted

Album  1 to 165 Show / Hide
148 Doctor In Lake, 66 Scarecrow Army, 67 Exploding Bomb, 88 Monster Mucus, 130 Silence, 135 Fog Shark, 156 Giant Eye, 157 Donna Node, 53 Winders, 158 Frozen Tardis, 117 Malohkeh, 76 Ancient Doctor, 161 Hungry Hoix, 37 Catkind, 121 Liz Ten, 17 The Master, 81 Cyberking Clash, 61 Lord Presidents Staff, 41 Vespiform, 146 Shark Sleigh Ride

Number of swaps: 20 + 0 = 20

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