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Last Saved: 09/03/2012 07:07:47 PM

Bin Weevils Trading Card Game

mick white
Joined: 06/18/2010
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 Details: Panini are proud to announce the launch of their awesome new Bin Weevils Trading Card Game! Bin Weevils is fast becoming one of the top online virtual worlds for kids with over 5.4 million visits per month! Kids can create and nurture their own unique Bin Weevil avatar, play gamesto earn Mulch and socialize with other Bin Weevils on the Binscape! Panini's Bin Weevils Trading Card Game builds on the massive success of the Bin Weevils fun and quirky online world. It's packed full of all the best Bin Weevils characters, character Bin Bio's and awesome location and shopping cards. There's even a SECRET CODE CARD inside every packet! The collection includes 162 base cards, 19 glitter foil cards, 19 rainbow foil cards and 25 coded cards! Get your collection off to a flying start with a starter pack which includes a collector's binder, game board, 3 trading card packets, a LIMITED EDITION CARD and 3 SPECIAL CODES!
  Book: 1


Card  1 to 200 Show / Hide
26, 27, 77, 127, 152, 177, 28, 78, 128, 178, 30, 55, 130, 6, 56, 81, 7, 57, 107, 132, 157, 83, 133, 183, 84, 109, 134, 159, 184, 35, 12, 13, 38, 138, 89, 114, 65, 115, 16, 91, 191, 92, 18, 69, 119, 169, 194, 45, 70, 170, 46, 121, 146, 171, 97, 147, 172, 73, 198, 24, 99, 50, 100, 125
Code Card  C1 to C25 Show / Hide
C2, C6, C14, C7, C8

Number Needed: 69 wanted

Card  1 to 200 Show / Hide
2, 102, 53, 29, 129, 155, 156, 32, 8, 158, 59, 135, 86, 136, 186, 112, 188, 39, 40, 66, 193, 95, 22, 197, 48, 123, 199, 25
Code Card  C1 to C25 Show / Hide
C13, C17, C21, C10, C18, C11, C19, C20

Number of swaps: 36 + 20 = 56

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