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Last Saved: 09/06/2017 09:20:11 PM

Merlin Ultimate 1995-96

curly wurly
Joined: 25 Oct 2008
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 Details: Merlin Ultimate 1995/96 Merlin Ultimate Premier League Cards. Top quality series of the top players in the English Premier league. Box contains 36 packs of 8 cards each. All cards are gold-foil stamped. The basic series consists of 240 cards, including 20 foil team badge cards. In addition, there are 5 randomly inserted "Lazer Cut" chase cards. This is the definitive 1996 Premier League series.
  Book: 1


Card  1 to LC5 Show / Hide
Empty Binder  1EA to 1EA Show / Hide

Number Needed: 0 wanted

Card  1 to LC5 Show / Hide
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Empty Binder  1EA to 1EA Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 94 + 0 = 94

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