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Last Saved: 02/16/2011 01:27:05 PM

Star Wars Force Attax

Gareth Watson
Status: Swaps Swap!
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No Medal
  Book: 1


Card  1 to 190 Show / Hide
29 Clone Trooper Sinker, 41 Admiral Kilian, 70 Darth Sidious, 84 Bossk, 171 Anakin Skywalker, 175 Mace Windu, 177 Kit Fisto, 179 Ki-Adi-Mundi, 180 Barriss Offee, 182 Padme Amidala, 185 Count Dooku, 187 General Grievous, 189 Cad Bame, 190 Aurra Sing
Limited Edition  LE1 to LE1 Show / Hide

Number Needed: 14 wanted

Card  1 to 190 Show / Hide
8 Adi Gallia, 12 Luminara Unduli, 16 R4-P17, 17 Captain Rex, 38 Clone Trooper Waxer, 47 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter, 67 Tactical Droid, 72 Asajj Ventress, 77 Banking Clan Frigate, 104 Anakin skywalker & R2-D2, 105 Obi-wan Kenobi & Mace Windu, 109 Ahsoka Tano & Barriss Offee, 111 Padme Amidala & C-3PO, 129 Jedi Knight Set 2 (card 1), 135 Sith Set 1 (card 2), 137 Sith Set 2 (card 1), 149 Mandalorian Set (card 4)
Limited Edition  LE1 to LE1 Show / Hide

Number of swaps: 17 + 2 = 19

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