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Last Saved: 01/26/2013 03:01:07 AM

Doctor Who Monster Invasion

Lewis Hannah
Status: Swaps Swap!
Reviews +2 -0
No Medal
  Book: 1


Album  1 to 165 Show / Hide
12 Supreme Dalek, 21 Cpt Jack Harkness, 29 K-9, 34 Vashta Nerada, 55 Slitheen, 69 Cyber Chase, 71 Canary Wharf Battle, 74 Angel Attack, 87 Tardis Crash-Landing, 90 The Infinite, 91 Eleventh Doctor, 97 Second Doctor, 100 The Astronaut, 101 The Supreme, 103 The Strategist, 105 Cybersentry, 115 Canton Delaware III, 122 Amy Pond, 124 The Groske, 163 Rivers Space Flight

Number Needed: 20 wanted

Album  1 to 165 Show / Hide
106 Dream Lord, 119 Vincent Van Gough, 127 The Empty Child, 132 Saturnyne, 135 Fog Shark, 137 Progenitor, 139 Visual Recognition System, 140 River Songs Gun, 157 Donna Node, 158 Frozen Tardis, 162 The Pandorica Trap

Number of swaps: 45 + 0 = 45

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