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Last Saved: 05/21/2022 07:10:46 PM

Harry Potter Saga - From The Films of Harry Potter

Miriam Cerro
Joined: 21 May 2022
Status: Swaps Swap!
Reviews +0 -0
 Details: Relive all your favourite moments from the Harry Potter films in Panini’s brand new sticker collection! Test your knowledge of all things Harry Potter and guess, from the captions, what the stickers will reveal! The collection also includes 50 cards to collect and store inside the cardholder, which comes inside the album. There are 216 stickers to collect including 36 special effect versions. Collectors can get their collection going with a starter pack that includes an album, 22 stickers, 4 cards and a cardholder!
  Book: 1


Stickers  1 to 216 Show / Hide
170, 63, 13, 209, 102
Cards  C1 to C9 Show / Hide

Number Needed: 5 wanted

Stickers  1 to 216 Show / Hide
136, 2, 30, 111, 165, 112, 193, 87, 7, 34, 61, 142, 196, 9, 117, 148, 202, 149, 42, 123, 177, 43, 151, 178, 71, 98, 206, 18, 99, 155, 131, 79, 106, 214, 26, 134
Cards  C1 to C9 Show / Hide
C16, C41, C23, C3, C11, C30, C25, C44, C40

Number of swaps: 45 + 0 = 45

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