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Pokemon E Aquapolis    

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 Aquapolis is the fifteenth set of cards from the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It comes after Expedition and before Skyridge. Its symbol is a skyline within a water droplet.
This set is the second of three to extensively use the e-Reader: By scanning a dot code found on the bottom of all of the cards and the sides of some, the e-Reader can display patterns, produce sounds, or other various novelties. (This may be the reason why cards in the Aquapolis set are noticeably thicker than sets before Expedition.) However, none of these features are required for play. Aquapolis introduces minigames playable by scanning in dot codes from multiple cards (in any order). These mini-games will usually be very simple, and more often than not, each Pokémon whose card has been scanned in will play some role in the mini-game.
While Technical Machines were dabbled upon in Expedition, Aquapolis is the set to make use of them. Technical Machines would be released sparingly from this point onward.
The Aquapolis set was also the first Pokemon TCG set to utilize the "Crystal Type" Poke-power. This power was written on the Aquapolis cards Kingdra, Lugia, and Nidoking, all of which are holofoil. It essentially allows the player to attach a basic energy card to the pokemon and have it become that type for the turn. Note that this power does not allow the player to attach an additional energy card per turn.
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Aquapolis, Complete Set: 182 cards, Set breakdown: 3 Ultra Rare Holograms, 32 Holograms, 48 Rare, 49 Uncommon, 53 Common, [ ] H01. Ampharos (H), [ ] H02. Arcanine (H), [ ] H03. Ariados (H), [ ] H04. Azumarill (H), [ ] H05. Bellossom (H), [ ] H06. Blissey (H), [ ] H07. Electrode (H), [ ] H08. Entei (H), [ ] H09. Espeon (H), [ ] H10. Exeggutor (H), [ ] H11. Houndoom (H), [ ] H12. Hypno (H), [ ] H13. Jumpluff (H), [ ] H14. Kingdra (H), [ ] H15. Lanturn (H), [ ] H16. Magneton (H), [ ] H17. Muk (H), [ ] H18. Nidoking (H), [ ] H19. Ninetales (H), [ ] H20. Octillery (H), [ ] H21. Scizor (H), [ ] H22. Slowking (H), [ ] H23. Steelix (H), [ ] H24. Sudowoodo (H), [ ] H25. Suicune (H), [ ] H26. Tentacruel (H), [ ] H27. Togetic (H), [ ] H28. Tyranitar (H), [ ] H29. Umbreon (H), [ ] H30. Victreebel (H), [ ] H31. Vileplume (H), [ ] H32. Zapdos (H), [ ] 001. Ampharos (R), [ ] 002. Arcanine (R), [ ] 003. Ariados (R), [ ] 004. Azumarill (R), [ ] 005. Bellossom (R), [ ] 006. Blissey (R), [ ] 007. Donphan (R), [ ] 008. Electrode (R), [ ] 009. Elekid (R), [ ] 010. Entei (R), [ ] 011. Espeon (R), [ ] 012. Exeggutor (R), [ ] 013. Exeggutor (R), [ ] 014. Houndoom (R), [ ] 015. Houndoom (R), [ ] 016. Hypno (R), [ ] 017. Jumpluff (R), [ ] 018. Jynx (R), [ ] 019. Kingdra (R), [ ] 020. Lanturn (R), [ ] 021. Lanturn (R), [ ] 022. Magneton (R), [ ] 023. Muk (R), [ ] 024. Nidoking (R), [ ] 025. Ninetales (R), [ ] 026. Octillery (R), [ ] 027. Parasect (R), [ ] 028. Porygon 2 (R), [ ] 029. Primeape (R), [ ] 030. Quagsire (R), [ ] 031. Rapidash (R), [ ] 032. Scizor (R), [ ] 033. Slowbro (R), [ ] 034. Slowking (R), [ ] 035. Steelix (R), [ ] 036. Sudowoodo (R), [ ] 037. Suicune (R), [ ] 038. Tentacruel (R), [ ] 039. Togetic (R), [ ] 040. Tyranitar (R), [ ] 041. Umbreon (R), [ ] 042. Victreebel (R), [ ] 043. Vileplume (R), [ ] 044. Zapdos (R), [ ] 045. Bellsprout (U), [ ] 046. Dodrio (U), [ ] 047. Flaaffy (U), [ ] 048. Furret (U), [ ] 049. Gloom (U), [ ] 050a. Golduck (U), [ ] 050b. Golduck (U), [ ] 051. Growlithe (U), [ ] 052. Magnemite (U), [ ] 053. Marill (U), [ ] 054. Marowak (U), [ ] 055. Nidorino (U), [ ] 056. Pupitar (U), [ ] 057. Scyther (U), [ ] 058. Seadra (U), [ ] 059. Seaking (U), [ ] 060. Skiploom (U), [ ] 061. Smoochum (U), [ ] 062. Spinarak (U), [ ] 063. Tyrogue (U), [ ] 064. Voltorb (U), [ ] 065. Weepinbell (U), [ ] 066. Wooper (U), [ ] 067. Aipom (C), [ ] 068. Bellsprout (C), [ ] 069. Chansey (C), [ ] 070. Chinchou (C), [ ] 071. Chinchou (C), [ ] 072. Cubone (C), [ ] 073. Doduo (C), [ ] 074. Drowzee (C), [ ] 075. Drowzee (C), [ ] 076. Exeggcute (C), [ ] 077. Exeggcute (C), [ ] 078. Goldeen (C), [ ] 079. Grimer (C), [ ] 080. Growlithe (C), [ ] 081. Hitmonchan (C), [ ] 082. Hitmontop (C), [ ] 083. Hoppip (C), [ ] 084. Horsea (C), [ ] 085. Horsea (C), [ ] 086. Houndour (C), [ ] 087. Houndour (C), [ ] 088. Kangaskhan (C), [ ] 089. Larvitar (C), [ ] 090. Lickitung (C), [ ] 091. Magnemite (C), [ ] 092. Mankey (C), [ ] 093. Mareep (C), [ ] 094. Miltank (C), [ ] 095a. Mr. Mime (C), [ ] 095b. Mr. Mime (C), [ ] 096. Nidoran Male (C), [ ] 097. Oddish (C), [ ] 098. Onix (C), [ ] 099. Paras (C), [ ] 100. Phanpy (C), [ ] 101. Pinsir (C), [ ] 102. Ponyta (C), [ ] 103a. Porygon (C), [ ] 103b. Porygon (C), [ ] 104. Psyduck (C), [ ] 105. Remoraid (C), [ ] 106. Scyther (C), [ ] 107. Sentret (C), [ ] 108. Slowpoke (C), [ ] 109. Smeargle (C), [ ] 110. Sneasel (C), [ ] 111. Spinarak (C), [ ] 112. Tangela (C), [ ] 113. Tentacool (C), [ ] 114. Togepi (C), [ ] 115. Voltorb (C), [ ] 116. Vulpix (C), [ ] 117. Wooper (C), [ ] 118. Apricorn Forest (R), [ ] 119. Darkness Cube 01 (U), [ ] 120. Energy Switch (U), [ ] 121. Fighting Cube 01 (U), [ ] 122. Fire Cube 01 (U), [ ] 123. Forest Guardian (U), [ ] 124. Grass Cube 01 (U), [ ] 125. Healing Berry (U), [ ] 126. Juggler (U), [ ] 127. Lighting Cube 01 (U), [ ] 128. Memory Berry (U), [ ] 129. Metal Cube 01 (U), [ ] 130. Pokemon Fan Club (U), [ ] 131. Pokemon Park (U), [ ] 132. Psychic Cube 01 (U), [ ] 133. Seer (U), [ ] 134. Super Energy Removal 2 (U), [ ] 135. Time Shard (U), [ ] 136. Town Volunteers (U), [ ] 137. Traveling Salesman (U), [ ] 138. Undersea Ruins (U), [ ] 139. Power Plant (U), [ ] 140. Water Cube 01 (U), [ ] 141. Weakness Guard (U), [ ] 142. Darkness Energy (R), [ ] 143. Metal Energy (R), [ ] 144. Rainbow Energy (R), [ ] 145. Boost Energy (U), [ ] 146. Crystal Energy (U), [ ] 147. Warp Energy (U), [ ] 148/147. Kingdra (UR), [ ] 149/147. Lugia (UR), [ ] 150/147. Nidoking (UR), [ ] Box Topper #005. Entei, [ ] Box Topper #006. Espeon, [ ] Box Topper #007. Scizor, [ ] Box Topper #008. Suicune
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Mark james LawrencePokemon E Aquapolis10186005/15/2013 09:34 PM
Mark james LawrencePokemon E Aquapolis10186005/06/2013 10:53 PM
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