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Pokemon Neo Destiny    

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 Neo Destiny is the twelfth set of cards from the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It comes after Neo Revelation and before Legendary Collection. Its symbol is a blue sparkle above a white sparkle, possibly referring to the Dark and Light Pokémon within this set. The Neo part of its name is Latin for "new," since this set features Pokémon considered new during its release. The Destiny part implies this set is beyond prophecy--that is, beyond Neo Revelation.
This set is the second set with an emphasis on Dark Pokémon, though unlike its predecessor, Team Rocket, these Dark Pokémon don't seem to have any influences. In this set and only this set, they are counterbalanced by Light Pokémon. Whereas Dark Pokémon have low hit points (health) and do a lot of damage, Light Pokémon have high Hit Points and have attacks and other abilities that revolve around support, such as healing damage.
Perhaps the reason why Light Pokémon have not seen an appearance after this set is because many of its moves benefit the user and the opponent equally, thus requiring the user to set the situation up for maximum gain while preventing the opponent from doing so. Also, Light Pokémon do not normally inflict much damage, a disadvantage in a game whose objective is to cause as much damage as possible. However, a counterpart to Dark Pokémon known as Delta Pokémon has recently been introduced and could be a descendant of Light Pokémon.
This set almost completes the Unown alphabet started in Neo Discovery (R was left out, but was eventually given a card in another set years later) with twelve letters: C, G, H, L, P, Q, S, T, V, W, X, and Z. (Unown "J" was released between sets.)
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Neo Destiny Pokemon Cards Checklist, Complete Set: 113 cards, Set Breakdown: 33 Common, 37 Uncommon, 19 Rare, 16 Holographic Rare, 8 Ultra Rare, [ ] 001. Dark Ampharos (H), [ ] 002. Dark Crobat (H), [ ] 003. Dark Donphan (H), [ ] 004. Dark Espeon (H), [ ] 005. Dark Feraligatr (H), [ ] 006. Dark Gengar (H), [ ] 007. Dark Houndoom (H), [ ] 008. Dark Porygon 2 (H), [ ] 009. Dark Scizor (H), [ ] 010. Dark Typhlosion (H), [ ] 011. Dark Tyranitar (H), [ ] 012. Light Arcanine (H), [ ] 013. Light Azumarill (H), [ ] 014. Light Dragonite (H), [ ] 015. Light Togetic (H), [ ] 016. Miracle Energy (H), [ ] 017. Dark Ariados (R), [ ] 018. Dark Magcargo (R), [ ] 019. Dark Omastar (R), [ ] 020. Dark Slowking (R), [ ] 021. Dark Ursaring (R), [ ] 022. Light Dragonair (R), [ ] 023. Light Lanturn (R), [ ] 024. Light Ledian (R), [ ] 025. Light Machamp (R), [ ] 026. Light Piloswine (R), [ ] 027. Unown G (R), [ ] 028. Unown H (R), [ ] 029. Unown W (R), [ ] 030. Unown X (R), [ ] 031. Chansey (U), [ ] 032. Dark Croconaw (U), [ ] 033. Dark Exeggutor (U), [ ] 034. Dark Flaaffy (U), [ ] 035. Dark Forretress (U), [ ] 036. Dark Haunter (U), [ ] 037. Dark Omanyte (U), [ ] 038. Dark Pupitar (U), [ ] 039. Dark Quilava (U), [ ] 040. Dark Wigglytuff (U), [ ] 041. Heracross (U), [ ] 042. Hitmonlee (U), [ ] 043. Houndour (U), [ ] 044. Jigglypuff (U), [ ] 045. Light Dewgong (U), [ ] 046. Light Flareon (U), [ ] 047. Light Golduck (U), [ ] 048. Light Jolteon (U), [ ] 049. Light Machoke (U), [ ] 050. Light Ninetales (U), [ ] 051. Light Slowbro (U), [ ] 052. Light Vaporeon (U), [ ] 053. Light Venomoth (U), [ ] 054. Light Wigglytuff (U), [ ] 055. Scyther (U), [ ] 056. Togepi (U), [ ] 057. Unown C (U), [ ] 058. Unown P (U), [ ] 059. Unown Q (U), [ ] 060. Unown Z (U), [ ] 061. Cyndaquil (C), [ ] 062. Dark Octillery (C), [ ] 063. Dratini (C), [ ] 064. Exeggcute (C), [ ] 065. Gastly (C), [ ] 066. Girafarig (C), [ ] 067. Gligar (C), [ ] 068. Growlithe (C), [ ] 069. Hitmonchan (C), [ ] 070. Larvitar (C), [ ] 071. Ledyba (C), [ ] 072. Light Sunflora (C), [ ] 073. Machop (C), [ ] 074. Mantine (C), [ ] 075. Mareep (C), [ ] 076. Phanpy (C), [ ] 077. Pineco (C), [ ] 078. Porygon (C), [ ] 079. Psyduck (C), [ ] 080. Remoraid (C), [ ] 081. Seel (C), [ ] 082. Slugma (C), [ ] 083. Sunkern (C), [ ] 084. Swinub (C), [ ] 085. Totodile (C), [ ] 086. Unown L (C), [ ] 087. Unown S (C), [ ] 088. Unown T (C), [ ] 089. Unown V (C), [ ] 090. Venonat (C), [ ] 091. Vulpix (C), [ ] 092. Broken Ground Gym (R), [ ] 093. EXP All (R), [ ] 094. Impostor Oak's Invention (R), [ ] 095. Radio Tower (R), [ ] 096. Thought Wave Machine (R), [ ] 097. Counterattack Claws (U), [ ] 098. Energy Amplifier (U), [ ] 099. Energy Stadium (U), [ ] 100. Lucky Stadium (U), [ ] 101. Magnifier (U), [ ] 102. Pokemon Personality Test (U), [ ] 103. Team Rocket's Evil Deeds (U), [ ] 104. Heal Powder (C), [ ] 105. Mail From Bill (C), [ ] 106/105. Shining Celebi (UR), [ ] 107/105. Shining Charizard (UR), [ ] 108/105. Shining Kabutops (UR), [ ] 109/105. Shining Mewtwo (UR), [ ] 110/105. Shining Noctowl (UR), [ ] 111/105. Shining Raichu (UR), [ ] 112/105. Shining Steelix (UR), [ ] 113/105. Shining Tyranitar (UR)
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