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Pokemon EX Dragon    

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 EX Dragon is the third Pokémon Trading Card Game set by Pokémon USA Inc. Its main emphasis is on Dragon Pokémon, which usually appear as Colorless-type Pokémon. However, they tend to use two or more different types of Energy (an example is Salamence, which uses Fire and Water Energy). The set's symbol is a crosshair.
Many of the Pokémon in EX Dragon made their debut in the set, which consists mainly of Dragon Pokémon. Salamence, Flygon and Altaria are three of the Dragon Pokémon in the set - others, such as Latios, Latias, Dragonite and Rayquaza appear as Pokémon-ex.
EX Dragon is the first set in the third generation of the Pokémon Trading Card Game to be based on Dragon Pokémon. The other set, EX Dragon Frontiers, is the penultimate set of the same generation.
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Every single card has a reverse holo-foil version (even the holographic cards.) This is exactly the same card (with the same number) but a holo-foil version. Some cards have the picture in holo-foil, some have everything but the picture in holo-foil., This means that there are non holographic versions of the the cards named as holographic cards that appear at the top of the checklist., So just because a card is holo-foil doesn't necessarily mean it's rare. The holo-foil version is slightly rarer than it's normal version but if it's listed as a common card, it is still common despite it being a holo-foil card., Dragons Pokemon Cards Checklist, Complete Set: 100 cards, Set Breakdown: 33 Common, 33 Uncommon, 10 Rare, 16 Holographic Rare, 9 Pokemon ex, 3 Ultra Rare, [ ] 001. Absol (H), [ ] 002. Altaria (H), [ ] 003. Crawdaunt (H), [ ] 004. Flygon (H), [ ] 005. Golem (H), [ ] 006. Grumpig (H), [ ] 007. Minun (H), [ ] 008. Plusle (H), [ ] 009. Roselia (H), [ ] 010. Salamence (H), [ ] 011. Shedinja (H), [ ] 012. Torkoal (H), [ ] 013. Crawdaunt (R), [ ] 014. Dragonair (R), [ ] 015. Flygon (R), [ ] 016. Girafarig (R), [ ] 017. Magneton (R), [ ] 018. Ninjask (R), [ ] 019. Salamence (R), [ ] 020. Shelgon (R), [ ] 021. Skarmory (R), [ ] 022. Vibrava (R), [ ] 023. Bagon (U), [ ] 024. Camerupt (U), [ ] 025. Combusken (U), [ ] 026. Dratini (U), [ ] 027. Flaaffy (U), [ ] 028. Forretress (U), [ ] 029. Graveler (U), [ ] 030. Graveler (U), [ ] 031. Grovyle (U), [ ] 032. Gyarados (U), [ ] 033. Horsea (U), [ ] 034. Houndoom (U), [ ] 035. Magneton (U), [ ] 036. Marshtomp (U), [ ] 037. Meditite (U), [ ] 038. Ninjask (U), [ ] 039. Seadra (U), [ ] 040. Seadra (U), [ ] 041. Shelgon (U), [ ] 042. Shelgon (U), [ ] 043. Shuppet (U), [ ] 044. Snorunt (U), [ ] 045. Swellow (U), [ ] 046. Vibrava (U), [ ] 047. Vibrava (U), [ ] 048. Whiscash (U), [ ] 049. Bagon (C), [ ] 050. Bagon (C), [ ] 051. Barboach (C), [ ] 052. Corphish (C), [ ] 053. Corphish (C), [ ] 054. Corphish (C), [ ] 055. Geodude (C), [ ] 056. Geodude (C), [ ] 057. Grimer (C), [ ] 058. Horsea (C), [ ] 059. Houndour (C), [ ] 060. Magikarp (C), [ ] 061. Magnemite (C), [ ] 062. Magnemite (C), [ ] 063. Magnemite (C), [ ] 064. Mareep (C), [ ] 065. Mudkip (C), [ ] 066. Nincada (C), [ ] 067. Nincada (C), [ ] 068. Nincada (C), [ ] 069. Numel (C), [ ] 070. Numel (C), [ ] 071. Pineco (C), [ ] 072. Slugma (C), [ ] 073. Spoink (C), [ ] 074. Spoink (C), [ ] 075. Swablu (C), [ ] 076. Taillow (C), [ ] 077. Torchic (C), [ ] 078. Trapinch (C), [ ] 079. Trapinch (C), [ ] 080. Treecko (C), [ ] 081. Wurmple (C), [ ] 082. Balloon Berry (U), [ ] 083. Buffer Piece (U), [ ] 084. Energy Recycle System (U), [ ] 085. High Pressure System (U), [ ] 086. Low Pressure System (U), [ ] 087. Mr. Briney's Compassion (U), [ ] 088. TV Reporter (U), [ ] 089. Ampharos ex (H), [ ] 090. Dragonite ex (H), [ ] 091. Golem ex (H), [ ] 092. Kingdra ex (H), [ ] 093. Latias ex (H), [ ] 094. Latios ex (H), [ ] 095. Magcargo ex (H), [ ] 096. Muk ex (H), [ ] 097. Rayquaza ex (H), [ ] 098. Charmander (UR), [ ] 099. Charmeleon (UR), [ ] 100. Charizard (UR)
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Stone ThiefPokemon EX Dragon Frontiers1497112/09/2014 02:19 PM
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