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Pokemon Neo Revelation    

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 Neo Revelation is the eleventh set of cards from the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It comes after Southern Islands and before Neo Destiny. Its symbol is a representation of the departure of Suicune, Entei and Raikou from the Burned Tower. The Neo part of its name is Latin for "new," since this set features Pokémon considered new during its release. The Revelation part refers to the Bible's Book of Revelation, the final book, as this set completes the second-generation Pokémon's representation in the card game.
As of the release of this set, there would be at least one card of each of the 251 Pokémon, including the elusive Celebi. This set finishes the second generation with Pokémon like Porygon2, Misdreavus, and Raikou. In a way, this makes it a counterpart to the Fossil set (which rounded out the original set of 150 Pokémon). It also includes three more of the Unown introduced in Neo Discovery: B, K, and Y.
Most importantly, this set was the debut of the Shining Pokémon. Shining Pokémon are extremely powerful, but no more than one of each kind is allowed in a deck. This tradition was short-lived, however, as the Shining Pokémon were present only until the following set, Neo Destiny. However, Pokémon-star cards, which function almost identically to Shining Pokémon, were introduced in a later set known as EX Team Rocket Returns.
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Neo Revelations Pokemon cards Checklist, Complete Set: 66 cards, Set Breakdown: 20 Common, 17 Uncommon, 13 Rare, 14 Holographic Rare, 2 Ultra Rare Holographics, [ ] 001. Ampharos (H), [ ] 002. Blissey (H), [ ] 003. Celebi (H), [ ] 004. Crobat (H), [ ] 005. Delibird (H), [ ] 006. Entei (H), [ ] 007. Ho-oh (H), [ ] 008. Houndoom (H), [ ] 009. Jumpluff (H), [ ] 010. Magneton (H), [ ] 011. Misdreavus (H), [ ] 012. Porygon 2 (H), [ ] 013. Raikou (H), [ ] 014. Suicune (H), [ ] 015. Aerodactyl (R), [ ] 016. Celebi (R), [ ] 017. Entei (R), [ ] 018. Ho-oh (R), [ ] 019. Kingdra (R), [ ] 020. Lugia (R), [ ] 021. Raichu (R), [ ] 022. Raikou (R), [ ] 023. Skarmory (R), [ ] 024. Sneasel (R), [ ] 025. Starmie (R), [ ] 026. Sudowoodo (R), [ ] 027. Suicune (R), [ ] 028. Flaaffy (U), [ ] 029. Golbat (U), [ ] 030. Graveler (U), [ ] 031. Jynx (U), [ ] 032. Lanturn (U), [ ] 033. Magcargo (U), [ ] 034. Octillery (U), [ ] 035. Parasect (U), [ ] 036. Piloswine (U), [ ] 037. Seaking (U), [ ] 038. Stantler (U), [ ] 039. Unown B (U), [ ] 040. Unown Y (U), [ ] 041. Aipom (C), [ ] 042. Chinchou (C), [ ] 043. Farfetch'd (C), [ ] 044. Geodude (C), [ ] 045. Goldeen (C), [ ] 046. Murkrow (C), [ ] 047. Paras (C), [ ] 048. Quagsire (C), [ ] 049. Qwilfish (C), [ ] 050. Remoraid (C), [ ] 051. Shuckle (C), [ ] 052. Skiploom (C), [ ] 053. Slugma (C), [ ] 054. Smoochum (C), [ ] 055. Snubbull (C), [ ] 056. Staryu (C), [ ] 057. Swinub (C), [ ] 058. Unown K (C), [ ] 059. Zubat (C), [ ] 060. Balloon Berry (U), [ ] 061. Healing Fields (U), [ ] 062. Pokemon Breeder Fields (U), [ ] 063. Rocket's Hideout (U), [ ] 064. Old Rod (C), [ ] 065/064. Shining Gyarados (UR), [ ] 066/064. Shining Magikarp (UR)
1 as of 03/06/2025 02:01:27 AM
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