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Pokemon EX Emerald    

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 EX Emerald is the ninth set in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is intended as the companion set for the Pokémon video game of the same name, Pokémon Emerald, released in North America in May 2005. The set's coincided with the release of the videogame in the US and Europe; however, the set was not released in Japan. Instead, Nintendo released six 15-card packs, known as Quick Construction Packs - one pack for each type of Basic Energy. Its symbol is a gemstone, presumably an emerald.
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Every single card has a reverse holo-foil version (even the holographic cards.) This is exactly the same card (with the same number) but a holo-foil version. Some cards have the picture in holo-foil, some have everything but the picture in holo-foil., This means that there are non holographic versions of the the cards named as holographic cards that appear at the top of the checklist., So just because a card is holo-foil doesn't necessarily mean it's rare. The holo-foil version is slightly rarer than it's normal version but if it's listed as a common card, it is still common despite it being a holo-foil card., Box Toppers are the rarest type of card in the set as one will appear in every 30 or so packs., Emerald Pokemon cards Checklist, Complete Set: 107 cards, Set Breakdown: 32 Common, 32 Uncommon, 14 Rare, 17 Holographic Rare, 11 Pokemon ex, 1 Box Topper, [ ] 001. Blaziken (H), [ ] 002. Deoxys (H), [ ] 003. Exploud (H), [ ] 004. Gardevoir (H), [ ] 005. Groudon (H), [ ] 006. Kyogre (H), [ ] 007. Manectric (H), [ ] 008. Milotic (H), [ ] 009. Rayquaza (H), [ ] 010. Sceptile (H), [ ] 011. Swampert (H), [ ] 012. Chimecho (R), [ ] 013. Glalie (R), [ ] 014. Groudon (R), [ ] 015. Kyogre (R), [ ] 016. Manectric (R), [ ] 017. Nosepass (R), [ ] 018. Relicanth (R), [ ] 019. Rhydon (R), [ ] 020. Seviper (R), [ ] 021. Zangoose (R), [ ] 022. Breloom (U), [ ] 023. Camerupt (U), [ ] 024. Claydol (U), [ ] 025. Combusken (U), [ ] 026. Dodrio (U), [ ] 027. Electrode (U), [ ] 028. Grovyle (U), [ ] 029. Grumpig (U), [ ] 030. Grumpig (U), [ ] 031. Hariyama (U), [ ] 032. Illumise (U), [ ] 033. Kirlia (U), [ ] 034. Linoone (U), [ ] 035. Loudred (U), [ ] 036. Marshtomp (U), [ ] 037. Minun (U), [ ] 038. Ninetales (U), [ ] 039. Plusle (U), [ ] 040. Swalot (U), [ ] 041. Swellow (U), [ ] 042. Volbeat (U), [ ] 043. Baltoy (C), [ ] 044. Cacnea (C), [ ] 045. Doduo (C), [ ] 046. Duskull (C), [ ] 047. Electrike (C), [ ] 048. Electrike (C), [ ] 049. Feebas (C), [ ] 050. Feebas (C), [ ] 051. Gulpin (C), [ ] 052. Larvitar (C), [ ] 053. Luvdisc (C), [ ] 054. Makuhita (C), [ ] 055. Meditite (C), [ ] 056. Mudkip (C), [ ] 057. Numel (C), [ ] 058. Numel (C), [ ] 059. Pichu (C), [ ] 060. Pikachu (C), [ ] 061. Ralts (C), [ ] 062. Rhyhorn (C), [ ] 063. Shroomish (C), [ ] 064. Snorunt (C), [ ] 065. Spoink (C), [ ] 066. Spoink (C), [ ] 067. Swablu (C), [ ] 068. Taillow (C), [ ] 069. Torchic (C), [ ] 070. Treecko (C), [ ] 071. Voltorb (C), [ ] 072. Vulpix (C), [ ] 073. Whismur (C), [ ] 074. Zigzagoon (C), [ ] 075. Battle Frontier (U), [ ] 076. Double Full Heal (U), [ ] 077. Lanette's Net Search (U), [ ] 078. Lum Berry (U), [ ] 079. Mr. Stone's Project (U), [ ] 080. Oran Berry (U), [ ] 081. PokeNav (U), [ ] 082. Professor Birch (U), [ ] 083. Rare Candy (U), [ ] 084. Scott (U), [ ] 085. Wally's Training (U), [ ] 086. Darkness Energy (R), [ ] 087. Double Rainbow Energy (R), [ ] 088. Metal Energy (R), [ ] 089. Multi Energy (R), [ ] 090. Altaria ex (H), [ ] 091. Cacturne ex (H), [ ] 092. Camerupt ex (H), [ ] 093. Deoxys ex (H), [ ] 094. Dusclops ex (H), [ ] 095. Medicham ex (H), [ ] 096. Milotic ex (H), [ ] 097. Raichu ex (H), [ ] 098. Regice ex (H), [ ] 099. Regirock ex (H), [ ] 100. Registeel ex (H), [ ] 101. Grass Energy (H), [ ] 102. Fire Energy (H), [ ] 103. Water Energy (H), [ ] 104. Lightning Energy (H), [ ] 105. Psychic Energy (H), [ ] 106. Fighting Energy (H), [ ] 107/106. Farfetch'd (box topper)
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harry coverPokemon EX Emerald11070108/21/2014 02:12 PM
harry coverPokemon EX Emerald100008/21/2014 02:12 PM
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