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Pokemon Legendary Collection    

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 The Legendary Collection is the thirteenth set of cards from the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It comes after Neo Destiny and before the Expedition Pokémon-e base set. The set's symbol is a medal.
The Legendary Collection is the sequel to Base Set 2: It is made up entirely of reprints from the first four sets: Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, and Team Rocket. Its purpose is to make these cards legal in tourmanent play; otherwise, these cards would be considered "too old." Thus, some people call this "Base Set 3." The Legendary Collection is the first set to have a parallel set whose only difference is that shiny foil is printed on the entire front of the card except for its illustration. (This isn't done in the regular set.) Strangely, even though this set is an amalgamation of four sets, this set contains fewer cards than any of the following three.
This set is the last to be owned by Wizards of the Coast, due to Nintendo regaining the rights to the Pokémon TCG. However, they allowed Wizards to publish the following 3 sets (Expedition, Aquapolis, and Skyridge) before Nintendo began publishing the game in North America on their own.
Related Albums:
Pokemon Base Set
Pokemon Base Set 2
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
Pokemon E Aquapolis
Pokemon E Expedition
Pokemon E Skyridge
Pokemon EX Crystal Guardians
Pokemon EX Delta Species
Pokemon EX Deoxys
Pokemon EX Dragon
Pokemon EX Dragon Frontiers
Pokemon EX Emerald
Pokemon EX Fire Red & Leaf Green
Pokemon EX Hidden Legends
Pokemon EX Holon Phantoms
Pokemon EX Legend Maker
Pokemon EX Power Keepers
Pokemon EX Ruby and Sapphire
Pokemon EX Sandstorm
Pokemon EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua
Pokemon EX Team Rocket Returns
Pokemon EX Unseen Forces
Pokemon Fossil
Pokemon Great Encounters
Pokemon Gym Challenge
Pokemon Gym Heroes
Pokemon Jungle
Pokemon Mysterious Treasures
Pokemon Neo Destiny
Pokemon Neo Discovery
Pokemon Neo Genesis
Pokemon Neo Revelation
Pokemon Secret Wonders
Pokemon Team Rocket
Legendary Collection Pokemon Card Checklist, Complete Set: 110 cards, Set Breakdown: 36 Common, 36 Uncommon, 19 Rare, 19 Holographic Rare, [ ] 001. Alakazam (H), [ ] 002. Articuno (H), [ ] 003. Charizard (H), [ ] 004. Dark Blastoise (H), [ ] 005. Dark Dragonite (H), [ ] 006. Dark Persian (H), [ ] 007. Dark Raichu (H), [ ] 008. Dark Slowbro (H), [ ] 009. Dark Vaporeon (H), [ ] 010. Flareon (H), [ ] 011. Gengar (H), [ ] 012. Gyarados (H), [ ] 013. Hitmonlee (H), [ ] 014. Jolteon (H), [ ] 015. Machamp (H), [ ] 016. Muk (H), [ ] 017. Ninetales (H), [ ] 018. Venusaur (H), [ ] 019. Zapdos (H), [ ] 020. Beedrill (R), [ ] 021. Butterfree (R), [ ] 022. Electrode (R), [ ] 023. Exeggutor (R), [ ] 024. Golem (R), [ ] 025. Hypno (R), [ ] 026. Jynx (R), [ ] 027. Kabutops (R), [ ] 028. Magneton (R), [ ] 029. Mewtwo (R), [ ] 030. Moltres (R), [ ] 031. Nidoking (R), [ ] 032. Nidoqueen (R), [ ] 033. Pidgeot (R), [ ] 034. Pidgeotto (R), [ ] 035. Rhydon (R), [ ] 036. Arcanine (U), [ ] 037. Charmeleon (U), [ ] 038. Dark Dragonair (U), [ ] 039. Dark Wartortle (U), [ ] 040. Dewgong (U), [ ] 041. Dodrio (U), [ ] 042. Fearow (U), [ ] 043. Golduck (U), [ ] 044. Graveler (U), [ ] 045. Growlithe (U), [ ] 046. Haunter (U), [ ] 047. Ivysaur (U), [ ] 048. Kabuto (U), [ ] 049. Kadabra (U), [ ] 050. Kakuna (U), [ ] 051. Machoke (U), [ ] 052. Magikarp (U), [ ] 053. Meowth (U), [ ] 054. Metapod (U), [ ] 055. Nidorina (U), [ ] 056. Nidorino (U), [ ] 057. Omanyte (U), [ ] 058. Omastar (U), [ ] 059. Primeape (U), [ ] 060. Rapidash (U), [ ] 061. Raticate (U), [ ] 062. Sandslash (U), [ ] 063. Seadra (U), [ ] 064. Snorlax (U), [ ] 065. Tauros (U), [ ] 066. Tentacruel (U), [ ] 067. Abra (C), [ ] 068. Bulbasaur (C), [ ] 069. Caterpie (C), [ ] 070. Charmander (C), [ ] 071. Doduo (C), [ ] 072. Dratini (C), [ ] 073. Drowzee (C), [ ] 074. Eevee (C), [ ] 075. Exeggcute (C), [ ] 076. Gastly (C), [ ] 077. Geodude (C), [ ] 078. Grimer (C), [ ] 079. Machop (C), [ ] 080. Magnemite (C), [ ] 081. Mankey (C), [ ] 082. Nidoran Female (C), [ ] 083. Nidoran Male (C), [ ] 084. Onix (C), [ ] 085. Pidgey (C), [ ] 086. Pikachu (C), [ ] 087. Ponyta (C), [ ] 088. Psyduck (C), [ ] 089. Rattata (C), [ ] 090. Rhyhorn (C), [ ] 091. Sandshrew (C), [ ] 092. Seel (C), [ ] 093. Slowpoke (C), [ ] 094. Spearow (C), [ ] 095. Squirtle (C), [ ] 096. Tentacool (C), [ ] 097. Voltorb (C), [ ] 098. Vulpix (C), [ ] 099. Weedle (C), [ ] 100. Full Heal Energy (U), [ ] 101. Potion Energy (U), [ ] 102. Pokemon Breeder (R), [ ] 103. Pokemon Trader (R), [ ] 104. Scoop Up (R), [ ] 105. Boss's Way (U), [ ] 106. Challenge (U), [ ] 107. Energy Retrieval (U), [ ] 108. Bill (C), [ ] 109. Mysterious Fossil (C), [ ] 110. Potion (C), [ ] Box Topper #S1 Charizard, [ ] Box Topper #S2 Dark Blastoise, [ ] Box Topper #S3 Dark Raichu, [ ] Box Topper #S4 Mewtwo
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