Checklist: |  | Every single card has a reverse holo-foil version (even the holographic cards.) This is exactly the same card (with the same number) but a holo-foil version. Some cards have the picture in holo-foil, some have everything but the picture in holo-foil., This means that there are non holographic versions of the the cards named as holographic cards that appear at the top of the checklist., So just because a card is holo-foil doesn't necessarily mean it's rare. The holo-foil version is slightly rarer than it's normal version but if it's listed as a common card, it is still common despite it being a holo-foil card., Box Toppers are the rarest type of card in the set as one will appear in every 30 or so packs., Holon Phantoms, Complete Set: 111 cards, Set Breakdown: 31 Common, 30 Uncommon, 20 Rare, 23 Holographic Rare, 1 Box Topper, 3 Pokemon ex, 3 Ultra Rare, [ ] 001. Armaldo (H), [ ] 002. Cradily (H), [ ] 003. Deoxys (Attack) (H), [ ] 004. Deoxys (Defense) (H), [ ] 005. Deoxys (Normal) (H), [ ] 006. Deoxys (Speed) (H), [ ] 007. Flygon (H), [ ] 008. Gyarados (H), [ ] 009. Kabutops (H), [ ] 010. Kingdra (H), [ ] 011. Latias (H), [ ] 012. Latios (H), [ ] 013. Omastar (H), [ ] 014. Pidgeot (H), [ ] 015. Raichu (H), [ ] 016. Rayquaza (H), [ ] 017. Vileplume (H), [ ] 018. Absol (R), [ ] 019. Bellossom (R), [ ] 020. Blaziken (R), [ ] 021. Latias (R), [ ] 022. Latios (R), [ ] 023. Mawile (R), [ ] 024. Mewtwo (R), [ ] 025. Nosepass (R), [ ] 026. Rayquaza (R), [ ] 027. Regice (R), [ ] 028. Regirock (R), [ ] 029. Registeel (R), [ ] 030. Relicanth (R), [ ] 031. Sableye (R), [ ] 032. Seviper (R), [ ] 033. Torkoal (R), [ ] 034. Zangoose (R), [ ] 035. Aerodactyl (U), [ ] 036. Camerupt (U), [ ] 037. Chimecho (U), [ ] 038. Claydol (U), [ ] 039. Combusken (U), [ ] 040. Donphan (U), [ ] 041. Exeggutor (U), [ ] 042. Gloom (U), [ ] 043. Golduck (U), [ ] 044. Holon's Castform (U), [ ] 045. Lairon (U), [ ] 046. Manectric (U), [ ] 047. Masquerain (U), [ ] 048. Persian (U), [ ] 049. Pidgeotto (U), [ ] 050. Primeape (U), [ ] 051. Raichu (U), [ ] 052. Seadra (U), [ ] 053. Sharpedo (U), [ ] 054. Vibrava (U), [ ] 055. Whiscash (U), [ ] 056. Wobbuffet (U), [ ] 057. Anorith (C), [ ] 058. Aron (C), [ ] 059. Baltoy (C), [ ] 060. Barboach (C), [ ] 061. Carvanha (C), [ ] 062. Corphish (C), [ ] 063. Corphish (C), [ ] 064. Electrike (C), [ ] 065. Exeggcute (C), [ ] 066. Horsea (C), [ ] 067. Kabuto (C), [ ] 068. Lileep (C), [ ] 069. Magikarp (C), [ ] 070. Mankey (C), [ ] 071. Meowth (C), [ ] 072. Numel (C), [ ] 073. Oddish (C), [ ] 074. Omanyte (C), [ ] 075. Phanphy (C), [ ] 076. Pichu (C), [ ] 077. Pidgey (C), [ ] 078. Pikachu (C), [ ] 079. Pikachu (C), [ ] 080. Poochyena (C), [ ] 081. Psyduck (C), [ ] 082. Surskit (C), [ ] 083. Torchic (C), [ ] 084. Trapinch (C), [ ] 085. Holon Adventurer (U), [ ] 086. Holon Fossil (U), [ ] 087. Holon Lake (U), [ ] 088. Mr. Stone's Project (U), [ ] 089. Professor Cozmo's Discovery (U), [ ] 090. Rare Candy (U), [ ] 091. Claw Fossil (C), [ ] 092. Mysterious Fossil (C), [ ] 093. Root Fossil (C), [ ] 094. Darkness Energy (R), [ ] 095. Metal Energy (R), [ ] 096. Multi Energy (R), [ ] 097. Double Rainbow Energy (U), [ ] 098. Dark Metal Energy (U), [ ] 099. Crawdaunt ex (H), [ ] 100. Mew ex (H), [ ] 101. Mightyena ex (H), [ ] 102. Gyarados* (UR), [ ] 103. Mewtwo* (UR), [ ] 104. Pikachu* (UR), [ ] 105. Grass Energy (H), [ ] 106. Fire Energy (H), [ ] 107. Water Energy (H), [ ] 108. Lightning Energy (H), [ ] 109. Psychic Energy (H), [ ] 110. Fighting Energy (H), [ ] 111. Mew (box topper) |